try {
// locate the root or meta region
metaLocation = locateRegion(parentTable, metaKey, true, false);
// If null still, go around again.
if (metaLocation == null) continue;
HRegionInterface server =
getHRegionConnection(metaLocation.getHostname(), metaLocation.getPort());
Result regionInfoRow = null;
if (useCache) {
if (Bytes.equals(parentTable, HConstants.META_TABLE_NAME)
&& (getRegionCachePrefetch(tableName))) {
// This block guards against two threads trying to load the meta
// region at the same time. The first will load the meta region and
// the second will use the value that the first one found.
synchronized (regionLockObject) {
// Check the cache again for a hit in case some other thread made the
// same query while we were waiting on the lock.
location = getCachedLocation(tableName, row);
if (location != null) {
return location;
// If the parent table is META, we may want to pre-fetch some
// region info into the global region cache for this table.
prefetchRegionCache(tableName, row);
location = getCachedLocation(tableName, row);
if (location != null) {
return location;
} else {
// If we are not supposed to be using the cache, delete any existing cached location
// so it won't interfere.
deleteCachedLocation(tableName, row);
// Query the root or meta region for the location of the meta region
regionInfoRow = server.getClosestRowBefore(
metaLocation.getRegionInfo().getRegionName(), metaKey,
if (regionInfoRow == null) {
throw new TableNotFoundException(Bytes.toString(tableName));