// See TestIPCUtil main for experiment where we spin through the Cells getting estimate of
// total size before creating the buffer. It costs somw small percentage. If we are usually
// within the estimated buffer size, then the cost is not worth it. If we are often well
// outside the guesstimated buffer size, the processing can be done in half the time if we
// go w/ the estimated size rather than let the buffer resize.
ByteBufferOutputStream baos = new ByteBufferOutputStream(bufferSize);
OutputStream os = baos;
Compressor poolCompressor = null;
try {
if (compressor != null) {
if (compressor instanceof Configurable) ((Configurable)compressor).setConf(this.conf);
poolCompressor = CodecPool.getCompressor(compressor);
os = compressor.createOutputStream(os, poolCompressor);
Codec.Encoder encoder = codec.getEncoder(os);
int count = 0;
while (cellScanner.advance()) {
// If no cells, don't mess around. Just return null (could be a bunch of existence checking
// gets or something -- stuff that does not return a cell).
if (count == 0) return null;
} finally {
if (poolCompressor != null) CodecPool.returnCompressor(poolCompressor);
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
if (bufferSize < baos.size()) {
LOG.trace("Buffer grew from initial bufferSize=" + bufferSize + " to " + baos.size() +
"; up hbase.ipc.cellblock.building.initial.buffersize?");
return baos.getByteBuffer();