HRegionInfo region, ServerName serverName,
boolean hijack, boolean allowCreation)
throws KeeperException {
LOG.debug(zkw.prefix("Creating (or updating) unassigned node for " +
region.getEncodedName() + " with OFFLINE state"));
RegionTransitionData data = new RegionTransitionData(
EventType.M_ZK_REGION_OFFLINE, region.getRegionName(), serverName);
String node = getNodeName(zkw, region.getEncodedName());
Stat stat = new Stat();
int version = ZKUtil.checkExists(zkw, node);
if (version == -1) {
// While trying to transit a node to OFFLINE that was in previously in
// OPENING state but before it could transit to OFFLINE state if RS had
// opened the region then the Master deletes the assigned region znode.
// In that case the znode will not exist. So we should not
// create the znode again which will lead to double assignment.
if (hijack && !allowCreation) {
return -1;
return ZKUtil.createAndWatch(zkw, node, data.getBytes());
} else {
RegionTransitionData curDataInZNode = ZKAssign.getDataNoWatch(zkw, region
.getEncodedName(), stat);
// Do not move the node to OFFLINE if znode is in any of the following
// state.
// Because these are already executed states.
if (hijack && null != curDataInZNode) {
EventType eventType = curDataInZNode.getEventType();
if (eventType.equals(EventType.M_ZK_REGION_CLOSING)
|| eventType.equals(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_CLOSED)
|| eventType.equals(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENED)) {
return -1;
boolean setData = false;
try {
setData = ZKUtil.setData(zkw, node, data.getBytes(), version);
// Setdata throws KeeperException which aborts the Master. So we are
// catching it here.
// If just before setting the znode to OFFLINE if the RS has made any
// change to the
// znode state then we need to return -1.
} catch (KeeperException kpe) {"Version mismatch while setting the node to OFFLINE state.");
return -1;
if (!setData) {
return -1;
} else {
// We successfully forced to OFFLINE, reset watch and handle if
// the state changed in between our set and the watch
RegionTransitionData curData =
ZKAssign.getData(zkw, region.getEncodedName());
if (curData.getEventType() != data.getEventType()) {
// state changed, need to process
return -1;