Package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.ExecutorService$RunningEventStatus

   * @throws IOException
  private void modifyTable(final byte [] tableName, final HTableDescriptor htd)
  throws IOException {
    MasterServices services = TEST_UTIL.getMiniHBaseCluster().getMaster();
    ExecutorService executor = services.getExecutorService();
    AtomicBoolean done = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    executor.registerListener(EventType.C_M_MODIFY_TABLE, new DoneListener(done));
    this.admin.modifyTable(tableName, htd);
    while (!done.get()) {
      synchronized (done) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
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  @Test(timeout = 60000)
  public void testBalance()
  throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
    // Create and startup an executor.  This is used by AssignmentManager
    // handling zk callbacks.
    ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testBalanceExecutor");

    // We need a mocked catalog tracker.
    CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class);
    LoadBalancer balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server
    // Create an AM.
    AssignmentManager am = new AssignmentManager(this.server,
        this.serverManager, ct, balancer, executor);
    try {
      // Make sure our new AM gets callbacks; once registered, can't unregister.
      // Thats ok because we make a new zk watcher for each test.
      // Call the balance function but fake the region being online first at
      // SERVERNAME_A.  Create a balance plan.
      am.regionOnline(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A);
      // Balance region from A to B.
      RegionPlan plan = new RegionPlan(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, SERVERNAME_B);

      // Now fake the region closing successfully over on the regionserver; the
      // regionserver will have set the region in CLOSED state.  This will
      // trigger callback into AM. The below zk close call is from the RS close
      // region handler duplicated here because its down deep in a private
      // method hard to expose.
      int versionid =
        ZKAssign.transitionNodeClosed(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, -1);
      assertNotSame(versionid, -1);
      // AM is going to notice above CLOSED and queue up a new assign.  The
      // assign will go to open the region in the new location set by the
      // balancer.  The zk node will be OFFLINE waiting for regionserver to
      // transition it through OPENING, OPENED.  Wait till we see the RIT
      // before we proceed.
      Mocking.waitForRegionOfflineInRIT(am, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName());
      // Get current versionid else will fail on transition from OFFLINE to OPENING below
      while (true) {
        int vid = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO);
        if (vid != versionid) {
          versionid = vid;
      assertNotSame(-1, versionid);
      // This uglyness below is what the openregionhandler on RS side does.
      versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNode(server.getZooKeeper(), REGIONINFO,
        EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, versionid);
      assertNotSame(-1, versionid);
      // Move znode from OPENING to OPENED as RS does on successful open.
      versionid =
        ZKAssign.transitionNodeOpened(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, versionid);
      assertNotSame(-1, versionid);
      // Wait on the handler removing the OPENED znode.
      while(am.isRegionInTransition(REGIONINFO) != null) Threads.sleep(1);
    } finally {
      // Clean up all znodes
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  public void testShutdownHandler() throws KeeperException, IOException {
    // Create and startup an executor.  This is used by AssignmentManager
    // handling zk callbacks.
    ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testShutdownHandler");

    // We need a mocked catalog tracker.
    CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class);
    LoadBalancer balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server
    // Create an AM.
    AssignmentManager am =
      new AssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager, ct, balancer, executor);
    try {
      processServerShutdownHandler(ct, am, false, null);
    } finally {
      // Clean up all znodes
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  private void testCaseWithSplitRegionPartial(boolean regionSplitDone) throws KeeperException, IOException,
      NodeExistsException, InterruptedException {
    // Create and startup an executor. This is used by AssignmentManager
    // handling zk callbacks.
    ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testSSHWhenSplitRegionInProgress");

    // We need a mocked catalog tracker.
    CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class);
    // Create an AM.
    AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = setUpMockedAssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager);
    // adding region to regions and servers maps.
    am.regionOnline(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A);
    // adding region in pending close.
    am.regionsInTransition.put(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName(), new RegionState(REGIONINFO,
        State.SPLITTING, System.currentTimeMillis(), SERVERNAME_A));

    RegionTransitionData data = new RegionTransitionData(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_SPLITTING,
        REGIONINFO.getRegionName(), SERVERNAME_A);
    String node = ZKAssign.getNodeName(this.watcher, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName());
    // create znode in M_ZK_REGION_CLOSING state.
    ZKUtil.createAndWatch(this.watcher, node, data.getBytes());

    try {
      processServerShutdownHandler(ct, am, regionSplitDone, null);
      // check znode deleted or not.
      // In both cases the znode should be deleted.

        assertTrue("Region state of region in SPLITTING should be removed from rit.",
        while (!am.assignInvoked) {
        assertTrue("Assign should be invoked.", am.assignInvoked);
    } finally {
      // Clean up all znodes
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  private void testCaseWithPartiallyDisabledState(TableState state, boolean opening)
      throws KeeperException, IOException, NodeExistsException {
    // Create and startup an executor. This is used by AssignmentManager
    // handling zk callbacks.
    ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testSSHWhenDisableTableInProgress");

    // We need a mocked catalog tracker.
    CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class);
    LoadBalancer balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server.getConfiguration());
    // Create an AM.
    AssignmentManager am = new AssignmentManager(this.server, this.serverManager, ct, balancer,
    if (opening) {
      am.regionsInTransition.put(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName(), new RegionState(REGIONINFO,
          State.OPENING, System.currentTimeMillis(), SERVERNAME_A));
    } else {
      // adding region to regions and servers maps.
      am.regionOnline(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A);
      // adding region in pending close.
      am.regionsInTransition.put(REGIONINFO.getEncodedName(), new RegionState(REGIONINFO,
          State.PENDING_CLOSE, System.currentTimeMillis(), SERVERNAME_A));
    if (state == TableState.DISABLING) {
    } else {
    RegionTransitionData data = null;
    if (opening) {
      data =
          new RegionTransitionData(EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, REGIONINFO.getRegionName(),

    } else {
      data =
          new RegionTransitionData(EventType.M_ZK_REGION_CLOSING, REGIONINFO.getRegionName(),
    String node = ZKAssign.getNodeName(this.watcher, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName());
    // create znode in M_ZK_REGION_CLOSING state.
    ZKUtil.createAndWatch(this.watcher, node, data.getBytes());

    try {
      processServerShutdownHandler(ct, am, false, null);
      // check znode deleted or not.
      // In both cases the znode should be deleted.
      assertTrue("The znode should be deleted.",ZKUtil.checkExists(this.watcher, node) == -1);
      assertTrue("Region state of region in pending close should be removed from rit.",
    } finally {
      // Clean up all znodes
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   * @param name Name to give our executor
   * @return Created executor (be sure to call shutdown when done).
  private ExecutorService startupMasterExecutor(final String name) {
    // TODO: Move up into HBaseTestingUtility?  Generally useful.
    ExecutorService executor = new ExecutorService(name);
    executor.startExecutorService(ExecutorType.MASTER_OPEN_REGION, 3);
    executor.startExecutorService(ExecutorType.MASTER_CLOSE_REGION, 3);
    executor.startExecutorService(ExecutorType.MASTER_SERVER_OPERATIONS, 3);
    executor.startExecutorService(ExecutorType.MASTER_META_SERVER_OPERATIONS, 3);
    return executor;
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      getMockedConnectionAndDecorate(HTU.getConfiguration(), ri, SERVERNAME_B,
    // Make it so we can get the connection from our mocked catalogtracker
    // Create and startup an executor. Used by AM handling zk callbacks.
    ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("mockedAMExecutor");
    this.balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server.getConfiguration());
    AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting am = new AssignmentManagerWithExtrasForTesting(
        server, manager, ct, balancer, executor);
    return am;
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   * hosting server. Worker logs the exception and exits.
  private void startServiceThreads() throws IOException {
    String n = Thread.currentThread().getName();
    // Start executor services
    this.service = new ExecutorService(getServerName().toString());
      conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.openregion.threads", 3));
      conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.openroot.threads", 1));
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   * hosting server. Worker logs the exception and exits.
  private void startServiceThreads() throws IOException {
    String n = Thread.currentThread().getName();
    // Start executor services
    this.service = new ExecutorService(getServerName().toString());
      conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.openregion.threads", 3));
      conf.getInt("hbase.regionserver.executor.openroot.threads", 1));
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  public void testBalance()
    throws IOException, KeeperException, DeserializationException, InterruptedException {
    // Create and startup an executor.  This is used by AssignmentManager
    // handling zk callbacks.
    ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testBalanceExecutor");

    // We need a mocked catalog tracker.
    CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class);
    LoadBalancer balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server
    // Create an AM.
    AssignmentManager am = new AssignmentManager(this.server,
      this.serverManager, ct, balancer, executor, null, master.getTableLockManager());
    try {
      // Make sure our new AM gets callbacks; once registered, can't unregister.
      // Thats ok because we make a new zk watcher for each test.
      // Call the balance function but fake the region being online first at
      // SERVERNAME_A.  Create a balance plan.
      am.regionOnline(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A);
      // Balance region from A to B.
      RegionPlan plan = new RegionPlan(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, SERVERNAME_B);

      RegionStates regionStates = am.getRegionStates();
      // Must be failed to close since the server is fake
        && regionStates.isRegionInState(REGIONINFO, State.FAILED_CLOSE));
      // Move it back to pending_close
      regionStates.updateRegionState(REGIONINFO, State.PENDING_CLOSE);

      // Now fake the region closing successfully over on the regionserver; the
      // regionserver will have set the region in CLOSED state.  This will
      // trigger callback into AM. The below zk close call is from the RS close
      // region handler duplicated here because its down deep in a private
      // method hard to expose.
      int versionid =
        ZKAssign.transitionNodeClosed(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, -1);
      assertNotSame(versionid, -1);
      // AM is going to notice above CLOSED and queue up a new assign.  The
      // assign will go to open the region in the new location set by the
      // balancer.  The zk node will be OFFLINE waiting for regionserver to
      // transition it through OPENING, OPENED.  Wait till we see the OFFLINE
      // zk node before we proceed.
      Mocking.waitForRegionPendingOpenInRIT(am, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName());

      // Get current versionid else will fail on transition from OFFLINE to OPENING below
      versionid = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO);
      assertNotSame(-1, versionid);
      // This uglyness below is what the openregionhandler on RS side does.
      versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNode(server.getZooKeeper(), REGIONINFO,
        EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, versionid);
      assertNotSame(-1, versionid);
      // Move znode from OPENING to OPENED as RS does on successful open.
      versionid =
        ZKAssign.transitionNodeOpened(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, versionid);
      assertNotSame(-1, versionid);
      // Wait on the handler removing the OPENED znode.
      while(regionStates.isRegionInTransition(REGIONINFO)) Threads.sleep(1);
    } finally {
      // Clean up all znodes
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.ExecutorService$RunningEventStatus

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