@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testBalance()
throws IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
// Create and startup an executor. This is used by AssignmentManager
// handling zk callbacks.
ExecutorService executor = startupMasterExecutor("testBalanceExecutor");
// We need a mocked catalog tracker.
CatalogTracker ct = Mockito.mock(CatalogTracker.class);
LoadBalancer balancer = LoadBalancerFactory.getLoadBalancer(server
// Create an AM.
AssignmentManager am = new AssignmentManager(this.server,
this.serverManager, ct, balancer, executor);
try {
// Make sure our new AM gets callbacks; once registered, can't unregister.
// Thats ok because we make a new zk watcher for each test.
// Call the balance function but fake the region being online first at
// SERVERNAME_A. Create a balance plan.
// Balance region from A to B.
RegionPlan plan = new RegionPlan(REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, SERVERNAME_B);
// Now fake the region closing successfully over on the regionserver; the
// regionserver will have set the region in CLOSED state. This will
// trigger callback into AM. The below zk close call is from the RS close
// region handler duplicated here because its down deep in a private
// method hard to expose.
int versionid =
ZKAssign.transitionNodeClosed(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_A, -1);
assertNotSame(versionid, -1);
// AM is going to notice above CLOSED and queue up a new assign. The
// assign will go to open the region in the new location set by the
// balancer. The zk node will be OFFLINE waiting for regionserver to
// transition it through OPENING, OPENED. Wait till we see the RIT
// before we proceed.
Mocking.waitForRegionPendingOpenInRIT(am, REGIONINFO.getEncodedName());
// Get current versionid else will fail on transition from OFFLINE to OPENING below
versionid = ZKAssign.getVersion(this.watcher, REGIONINFO);
assertNotSame(-1, versionid);
// This uglyness below is what the openregionhandler on RS side does.
versionid = ZKAssign.transitionNode(server.getZooKeeper(), REGIONINFO,
EventType.RS_ZK_REGION_OPENING, versionid);
assertNotSame(-1, versionid);
// Move znode from OPENING to OPENED as RS does on successful open.
versionid =
ZKAssign.transitionNodeOpened(this.watcher, REGIONINFO, SERVERNAME_B, versionid);
assertNotSame(-1, versionid);
// Wait on the handler removing the OPENED znode.
while(am.isRegionInTransition(REGIONINFO) != null) Threads.sleep(1);
} finally {
// Clean up all znodes