// setup mock subprocedures
final List<Subprocedure> cohortTasks = new ArrayList<Subprocedure>();
final int[] elem = new int[1];
for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) {
ForeignExceptionDispatcher cohortMonitor = new ForeignExceptionDispatcher();
final ProcedureMember comms = members.get(i).getFirst();
Subprocedure commit = Mockito
.spy(new SubprocedureImpl(comms, opName, cohortMonitor, WAKE_FREQUENCY, TIMEOUT));
// This nasty bit has one of the impls throw a TimeoutException
Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
int index = elem[0];
if (index == memberErrorIndex) {
LOG.debug("Sending error to coordinator");
ForeignException remoteCause = new ForeignException("TIMER",
new TimeoutException("subprocTimeout" , 1, 2, 0));
Subprocedure r = ((Subprocedure) invocation.getMock());
LOG.error("Remote commit failure, not propagating error:" + remoteCause);
comms.receiveAbortProcedure(r.getName(), remoteCause);
assertEquals(r.isComplete(), true);
// don't complete the error phase until the coordinator has gotten the error
// notification (which ensures that we never progress past prepare)
try {
Procedure.waitForLatch(coordinatorReceivedErrorLatch, new ForeignExceptionDispatcher(),
WAKE_FREQUENCY, "coordinator received error");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOG.debug("Wait for latch interrupted, done:" + (coordinatorReceivedErrorLatch.getCount() == 0));
// reset the interrupt status on the thread
elem[0] = ++index;
return null;
// pass out a task per member
final AtomicInteger taskIndex = new AtomicInteger();
(byte[]) Mockito.argThat(new ArrayEquals(data)))).thenAnswer(
new Answer<Subprocedure>() {
public Subprocedure answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
int index = taskIndex.getAndIncrement();
Subprocedure commit = cohortTasks.get(index);
return commit;
// setup spying on the coordinator
ForeignExceptionDispatcher coordinatorTaskErrorMonitor = Mockito
.spy(new ForeignExceptionDispatcher());
Procedure coordinatorTask = Mockito.spy(new Procedure(coordinator,
coordinatorTaskErrorMonitor, WAKE_FREQUENCY, TIMEOUT,
opName, data, expected));
when(coordinator.createProcedure(any(ForeignExceptionDispatcher.class), eq(opName), eq(data), anyListOf(String.class)))