* Receive a notification and propagate it to the local coordinator
* @param abortNode full znode path to the failed procedure information
protected void abort(String abortNode) {
String procName = ZKUtil.getNodeName(abortNode);
ForeignException ee = null;
try {
byte[] data = ZKUtil.getData(zkProc.getWatcher(), abortNode);
if (!ProtobufUtil.isPBMagicPrefix(data)) {
LOG.warn("Got an error notification for op:" + abortNode
+ " but we can't read the information. Killing the procedure.");
// we got a remote exception, but we can't describe it
ee = new ForeignException(coordName, "Data in abort node is illegally formatted. ignoring content.");
} else {
data = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, ProtobufUtil.lengthOfPBMagic(), data.length);
ee = ForeignException.deserialize(data);
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
LOG.warn("Got an error notification for op:" + abortNode
+ " but we can't read the information. Killing the procedure.");
// we got a remote exception, but we can't describe it
ee = new ForeignException(coordName, e);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
coordinator.rpcConnectionFailure("Failed to get data for abort node:" + abortNode
+ zkProc.getAbortZnode(), new IOException(e));
coordinator.abortProcedure(procName, ee);