ListMultimap<String,Permission> perms = ArrayListMultimap.create();
if (oldCell != null) {
byte[] tagBytes = CellUtil.getTagArray(oldCell);
Iterator<Tag> tagIterator = CellUtil.tagsIterator(tagBytes, 0, tagBytes.length);
while (tagIterator.hasNext()) {
Tag tag =;
if (tag.getType() != AccessControlLists.ACL_TAG_TYPE) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Carrying forward tag from " + oldCell + ": type " + tag.getType() +
" length " + tag.getValue().length);
} else {
ListMultimap<String,Permission> kvPerms = ProtobufUtil.toUsersAndPermissions(
tag.getBuffer(), tag.getTagOffset(), tag.getTagLength()).build());
// Do we have an ACL on the operation?
byte[] aclBytes = mutation.getACL();
if (aclBytes != null) {
// Yes, use it
tags.add(new Tag(AccessControlLists.ACL_TAG_TYPE, aclBytes));
} else {
// No, use what we carried forward
if (perms != null) {
// TODO: If we collected ACLs from more than one tag we may have a
// List<Permission> of size > 1, this can be collapsed into a single
// Permission
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Carrying forward ACLs from " + oldCell + ": " + perms);
tags.add(new Tag(AccessControlLists.ACL_TAG_TYPE,
// If we have no tags to add, just return