Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration();
// setup the delegate
Stoppable stop = new StoppableImplementation();
HFileCleaner cleaner = setupAndCreateCleaner(conf, fs, archiveDir, stop);
List<BaseHFileCleanerDelegate> cleaners = turnOnArchiving(STRING_TABLE_NAME, cleaner);
final LongTermArchivingHFileCleaner delegate = (LongTermArchivingHFileCleaner) cleaners.get(0);
// create the region
HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(TEST_FAM);
HRegion region = UTIL.createTestRegion(STRING_TABLE_NAME, hcd);
loadFlushAndCompact(region, TEST_FAM);
// create the another table that we don't archive
hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(TEST_FAM);
HRegion otherRegion = UTIL.createTestRegion(otherTable, hcd);
loadFlushAndCompact(otherRegion, TEST_FAM);
// get the current hfiles in the archive directory
List<Path> files = getAllFiles(fs, archiveDir);
if (files == null) {
FSUtils.logFileSystemState(fs, archiveDir, LOG);
throw new RuntimeException("Didn't load archive any files!");
// make sure we have files from both tables
int initialCountForPrimary = 0;
int initialCountForOtherTable = 0;
for (Path file : files) {
String tableName = file.getParent().getParent().getParent().getName();
// check to which table this file belongs
if (tableName.equals(otherTable)) initialCountForOtherTable++;
else if (tableName.equals(STRING_TABLE_NAME)) initialCountForPrimary++;
assertTrue("Didn't archive files for:" + STRING_TABLE_NAME, initialCountForPrimary > 0);
assertTrue("Didn't archive files for:" + otherTable, initialCountForOtherTable > 0);
// run the cleaners, checking for each of the directories + files (both should be deleted and
// need to be checked) in 'otherTable' and the files (which should be retained) in the 'table'
CountDownLatch finished = setupCleanerWatching(delegate, cleaners, files.size() + 3);
// run the cleaner
// wait for the cleaner to check all the files
// stop the cleaner
// know the cleaner ran, so now check all the files again to make sure they are still there
List<Path> archivedFiles = getAllFiles(fs, archiveDir);
int archivedForPrimary = 0;
for(Path file: archivedFiles) {