" resubmit");
// create an orphan task in OWNED state
String tasknode1 = ZKSplitLog.getEncodedNodeName(zkw, "orphan/1");
final ServerName worker1 = ServerName.valueOf("worker1,1,1");
SplitLogTask slt = new SplitLogTask.Owned(worker1);
zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().create(tasknode1, slt.toByteArray(), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE,
slm = new SplitLogManager(zkw, conf, stopper, master, DUMMY_MASTER);
waitForCounter(tot_mgr_orphan_task_acquired, 0, 1, to/2);
// submit another task which will stay in unassigned mode
TaskBatch batch = new TaskBatch();
submitTaskAndWait(batch, "foo/1");
// keep updating the orphan owned node every to/2 seconds
for (int i = 0; i < (3 * to)/100; i++) {
final ServerName worker2 = ServerName.valueOf("worker1,1,1");
slt = new SplitLogTask.Owned(worker2);
ZKUtil.setData(zkw, tasknode1, slt.toByteArray());
// since we have stopped heartbeating the owned node therefore it should
// get resubmitted
LOG.info("waiting for manager to resubmit the orphan task");