Package org.apache.hadoop.hbase

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue$KVComparator

    // TODO: Cache these keys rather than make each time?
    byte [] fk = r.getFirstKey();
    if (fk == null) return;
    KeyValue firstKV = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(fk, 0, fk.length);
    byte [] lk = r.getLastKey();
    KeyValue lastKV = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(lk, 0, lk.length);
    KeyValue firstOnRow = state.getTargetKey();
    if (this.comparator.compareRows(lastKV, firstOnRow) < 0) {
      // If last key in file is not of the target table, no candidates in this
      // file.  Return.
      if (!state.isTargetTable(lastKV)) return;
      // If the row we're looking for is past the end of file, set search key to
      // last key. TODO: Cache last and first key rather than make each time.
      firstOnRow = new KeyValue(lastKV.getRow(), HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
    // Get a scanner that caches blocks and that uses pread.
    HFileScanner scanner = r.getScanner(true, true, false);
    // Seek scanner.  If can't seek it, return.
    if (!seekToScanner(scanner, firstOnRow, firstKV)) return;
    // If we found candidate on firstOnRow, just return. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN!
    // Unlikely that there'll be an instance of actual first row in table.
    if (walkForwardInSingleRow(scanner, firstOnRow, state)) return;
    // If here, need to start backing up.
    while (scanner.seekBefore(firstOnRow.getBuffer(), firstOnRow.getKeyOffset(),
       firstOnRow.getKeyLength())) {
      KeyValue kv = scanner.getKeyValue();
      if (!state.isTargetTable(kv)) break;
      if (!state.isBetterCandidate(kv)) break;
      // Make new first on row.
      firstOnRow = new KeyValue(kv.getRow(), HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
      // Seek scanner.  If can't seek it, break.
      if (!seekToScanner(scanner, firstOnRow, firstKV)) break;
      // If we find something, break;
      if (walkForwardInSingleRow(scanner, firstOnRow, state)) break;
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  private boolean seekToScanner(final HFileScanner scanner,
                                final KeyValue firstOnRow,
                                final KeyValue firstKV)
      throws IOException {
    KeyValue kv = firstOnRow;
    // If firstOnRow < firstKV, set to firstKV
    if (this.comparator.compareRows(firstKV, firstOnRow) == 0) kv = firstKV;
    int result = scanner.seekTo(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getKeyOffset(),
    return result >= 0;
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                                         final KeyValue firstOnRow,
                                         final GetClosestRowBeforeTracker state)
      throws IOException {
    boolean foundCandidate = false;
    do {
      KeyValue kv = scanner.getKeyValue();
      // If we are not in the row, skip.
      if (this.comparator.compareRows(kv, firstOnRow) < 0) continue;
      // Did we go beyond the target row? If so break.
      if (state.isTooFar(kv, firstOnRow)) break;
      if (state.isExpired(kv)) {
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      // Get first, last, and mid keys.  Midkey is the key that starts block
      // in middle of hfile.  Has column and timestamp.  Need to return just
      // the row we want to split on as midkey.
      byte [] midkey = r.midkey();
      if (midkey != null) {
        KeyValue mk = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(midkey, 0, midkey.length);
        byte [] fk = r.getFirstKey();
        KeyValue firstKey = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(fk, 0, fk.length);
        byte [] lk = r.getLastKey();
        KeyValue lastKey = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(lk, 0, lk.length);
        // if the midkey is the same as the first or last keys, then we cannot
        // (ever) split this region.
        if (this.comparator.compareRows(mk, firstKey) == 0 ||
            this.comparator.compareRows(mk, lastKey) == 0) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
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        HFile.Reader hf = null;
        try {
          CacheConfig cacheConf = new CacheConfig(getConf());
          hf = HFile.createReader(fs, hfile.getPath(), cacheConf);
          KeyValue startKv = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(hf.getFirstKey());
          start = startKv.getRow();
          KeyValue endKv = KeyValue.createKeyValueFromKey(hf.getLastKey());
          end = endKv.getRow();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          LOG.warn("Problem reading orphan file " + hfile + ", skipping");
        } catch (NullPointerException ioe) {
          LOG.warn("Orphan file " + hfile + " is possibly corrupted HFile, skipping");
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    return operator == Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE;

  public KeyValue transform(KeyValue v) {
    KeyValue current = v;
    for (Filter filter : filters) {
      current = filter.transform(current);
    return current;
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  public KeyValue getNextKeyHint(KeyValue currentKV) {
    KeyValue keyHint = null;
    for (Filter filter : filters) {
      KeyValue curKeyHint = filter.getNextKeyHint(currentKV);
      if (curKeyHint == null && operator == Operator.MUST_PASS_ONE) {
        // If we ever don't have a hint and this is must-pass-one, then no hint
        return null;
      if (curKeyHint != null) {
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      return next(outResults, batch, metric);

    private void populateFromJoinedHeap(int limit, String metric) throws IOException {
      assert joinedContinuationRow != null;
      KeyValue kv = populateResult(this.joinedHeap, limit, joinedContinuationRow.getBuffer(),
        joinedContinuationRow.getRowOffset(), joinedContinuationRow.getRowLength(), metric);
      if (kv != KV_LIMIT) {
        // We are done with this row, reset the continuation.
        joinedContinuationRow = null;
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     * @param metric Metric key to be passed into KeyValueHeap::next().
     * @return true if limit reached, false otherwise.
    private KeyValue populateResult(KeyValueHeap heap, int limit, byte[] currentRow, int offset,
        short length, String metric) throws IOException {
      KeyValue nextKv;
      do {, limit - results.size(), metric);
        if (limit > 0 && results.size() == limit) {
          return KV_LIMIT;
        nextKv = heap.peek();
      } while (nextKv != null && nextKv.matchingRow(currentRow, offset, length));
      return nextKv;
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          // in that case.

        // Let's see what we have in the storeHeap.
        KeyValue current = this.storeHeap.peek();

        byte[] currentRow = null;
        int offset = 0;
        short length = 0;
        if (current != null) {
          currentRow = current.getBuffer();
          offset = current.getRowOffset();
          length = current.getRowLength();
        boolean stopRow = isStopRow(currentRow, offset, length);
        // Check if we were getting data from the joinedHeap abd hit the limit.
        // If not, then it's main path - getting results from storeHeap.
        if (joinedContinuationRow == null) {
          // First, check if we are at a stop row. If so, there are no more results.
          if (stopRow) {
            if (filter != null && filter.hasFilterRow()) {
            if (filter != null && filter.filterRow()) {
            return false;

          // Check if rowkey filter wants to exclude this row. If so, loop to next.
          // Techically, if we hit limits before on this row, we don't need this call.
          if (filterRowKey(currentRow, offset, length)) {
            boolean moreRows = nextRow(currentRow, offset, length);
            if (!moreRows) return false;

          // Ok, we are good, let's try to get some results from the main heap.
          KeyValue nextKv = populateResult(this.storeHeap, limit, currentRow, offset, length, metric);
          if (nextKv == KV_LIMIT) {
            if (this.filter != null && filter.hasFilterRow()) {
              throw new IncompatibleFilterException(
                "Filter whose hasFilterRow() returns true is incompatible with scan with limit!");
            return true; // We hit the limit.
          stopRow = nextKv == null || isStopRow(nextKv.getBuffer(), nextKv.getRowOffset(), nextKv.getRowLength());
          // save that the row was empty before filters applied to it.
          final boolean isEmptyRow = results.isEmpty();

          // We have the part of the row necessary for filtering (all of it, usually).
          // First filter with the filterRow(List).           
          if (filter != null && filter.hasFilterRow()) {

          if (isEmptyRow || filterRow()) {
            // this seems like a redundant step - we already consumed the row
            // there're no left overs.
            // the reasons for calling this method are:
            // 1. reset the filters.
            // 2. provide a hook to fast forward the row (used by subclasses)
            boolean moreRows = nextRow(currentRow, offset, length);
            if (!moreRows) return false;

            // This row was totally filtered out, if this is NOT the last row,
            // we should continue on. Otherwise, nothing else to do.
            if (!stopRow) continue;
            return false;

          // Ok, we are done with storeHeap for this row.
          // Now we may need to fetch additional, non-essential data into row.
          // These values are not needed for filter to work, so we postpone their
          // fetch to (possibly) reduce amount of data loads from disk.
          if (this.joinedHeap != null) {
            KeyValue nextJoinedKv = joinedHeap.peek();
            // If joinedHeap is pointing to some other row, try to seek to a correct one.
            boolean mayHaveData =
              (nextJoinedKv != null && nextJoinedKv.matchingRow(currentRow, offset, length))
              || (, offset, length))
                  && joinedHeap.peek() != null
                  && joinedHeap.peek().matchingRow(currentRow, offset, length));
            if (mayHaveData) {
              joinedContinuationRow = current;
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue$KVComparator

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