synchronized (master.regionManager) {
if (!master.regionManager.isUnassigned(region) &&
!master.regionManager.isPendingOpen(region.getRegionNameAsString())) {
if (region.isRootRegion()) {
// Root region
HServerAddress rootServer = master.getRootRegionLocation();
if (rootServer != null) {
if (rootServer.compareTo(serverInfo.getServerAddress()) == 0) {
// A duplicate open report from the correct server
// We received an open report on the root region, but it is
// assigned to a different server
duplicateAssignment = true;
} else {
// Not root region. If it is not a pending region, then we are
// going to treat it as a duplicate assignment, although we can't
// tell for certain that's the case.
if (master.regionManager.isPendingOpen(
region.getRegionNameAsString())) {
// A duplicate report from the correct server
duplicateAssignment = true;
if (duplicateAssignment) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("region server " + serverInfo.getServerAddress().toString()
+ " should not have opened region " + Bytes.toString(region.getRegionName()));
// This Region should not have been opened.
// Ask the server to shut it down, but don't report it as closed.
// Otherwise the HMaster will think the Region was closed on purpose,
// and then try to reopen it elsewhere; that's not what we want.
returnMsgs.add(new HMsg(HMsg.Type.MSG_REGION_CLOSE_WITHOUT_REPORT,
region, "Duplicate assignment".getBytes()));
} else {
if (region.isRootRegion()) {
// it was assigned, and it's not a duplicate assignment, so take it out
// of the unassigned list.
// Store the Root Region location (in memory)
HServerAddress rootServer = serverInfo.getServerAddress();
if (master.regionManager.inSafeMode()) {
new HRegionLocation(region, rootServer));