Map<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<R>> actionsByServer =
new HashMap<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<R>>();
for (int i = 0; i < workingList.size(); i++) {
Row row = workingList.get(i);
if (row != null) {
HRegionLocation loc = locateRegion(tableName, row.getRow());
byte[] regionName = loc.getRegionInfo().getRegionName();
MultiAction<R> actions = actionsByServer.get(loc);
if (actions == null) {
actions = new MultiAction<R>();
actionsByServer.put(loc, actions);
Action<R> action = new Action<R>(row, i);
lastServers[i] = loc;
actions.add(regionName, action);
// step 2: make the requests
Map<HRegionLocation, Future<MultiResponse>> futures =
new HashMap<HRegionLocation, Future<MultiResponse>>(
for (Entry<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<R>> e: actionsByServer.entrySet()) {
futures.put(e.getKey(), pool.submit(createCallable(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), tableName)));
// step 3: collect the failures and successes and prepare for retry
for (Entry<HRegionLocation, Future<MultiResponse>> responsePerServer
: futures.entrySet()) {
HRegionLocation loc = responsePerServer.getKey();
try {
Future<MultiResponse> future = responsePerServer.getValue();
MultiResponse resp = future.get();
if (resp == null) {
// Entire server failed
LOG.debug("Failed all for server: " + loc.getHostnamePort() +
", removing from cache");
for (Entry<byte[], List<Pair<Integer,Object>>> e : resp.getResults().entrySet()) {