: (a.comparator.compareRows(a.getEndKey(), 0, a.getEndKey().length,
b.getEndKey(), 0, b.getEndKey().length) <= 0
? b.getEndKey()
: a.getEndKey());
HRegionInfo newRegionInfo =
new HRegionInfo(tabledesc.getName(), startKey, endKey);
LOG.info("Creating new region " + newRegionInfo.toString());
String encodedName = newRegionInfo.getEncodedName();
Path newRegionDir = HRegion.getRegionDir(a.getTableDir(), encodedName);
if(fs.exists(newRegionDir)) {
throw new IOException("Cannot merge; target file collision at " +
LOG.info("starting merge of regions: " + a + " and " + b +
" into new region " + newRegionInfo.toString() +
" with start key <" + Bytes.toStringBinary(startKey) + "> and end key <" +
Bytes.toStringBinary(endKey) + ">");
// Move HStoreFiles under new region directory
Map<byte [], List<StoreFile>> byFamily =
new TreeMap<byte [], List<StoreFile>>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
byFamily = filesByFamily(byFamily, a.close());
byFamily = filesByFamily(byFamily, b.close());
for (Map.Entry<byte [], List<StoreFile>> es : byFamily.entrySet()) {
byte [] colFamily = es.getKey();
makeColumnFamilyDirs(fs, tableDir, newRegionInfo, colFamily);
// Because we compacted the source regions we should have no more than two
// HStoreFiles per family and there will be no reference store
List<StoreFile> srcFiles = es.getValue();
if (srcFiles.size() == 2) {
long seqA = srcFiles.get(0).getMaxSequenceId();
long seqB = srcFiles.get(1).getMaxSequenceId();
if (seqA == seqB) {
// Can't have same sequenceid since on open of a store, this is what
// distingushes the files (see the map of stores how its keyed by
// sequenceid).
throw new IOException("Files have same sequenceid: " + seqA);
for (StoreFile hsf: srcFiles) {
StoreFile.rename(fs, hsf.getPath(),
StoreFile.getUniqueFile(fs, Store.getStoreHomedir(tableDir,
newRegionInfo.getEncodedName(), colFamily)));
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Files for new region");
listPaths(fs, newRegionDir);