// We have to scan for the same results again. Throwing DNRIOE as a client retry on the
// same scanner will result in OutOfOrderScannerNextException
String msg = "Results sent from server=" + noOfResults + ". But only got " + i
+ " results completely at client. Resetting the scanner to scan again.";
throw new DoNotRetryIOException(msg);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// We are getting IOE while retrieving the cells for Results.
// We have to scan for the same results again. Throwing DNRIOE as a client retry on the
// same scanner will result in OutOfOrderScannerNextException
LOG.error("Exception while reading cells from result."
+ "Resetting the scanner to scan again.", ioe);
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Resetting the scanner.", ioe);
results[i] = Result.create(cells);
} else {