" is not owned by " + getMROwner().getShortUserName());
if (!systemDirStatus.getPermission().equals(SYSTEM_DIR_PERMISSION)) {
LOG.warn("Incorrect permissions on " + systemDir +
". Setting it to " + SYSTEM_DIR_PERMISSION);
fs.setPermission(systemDir,new FsPermission(SYSTEM_DIR_PERMISSION));
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) {} //ignore
// Make sure that the backup data is preserved
FileStatus[] systemDirData = fs.listStatus(this.systemDir);
// Check if the history is enabled .. as we cant have persistence with
// history disabled
if (conf.getBoolean("mapred.jobtracker.restart.recover", false)
&& !JobHistory.isDisableHistory()
&& systemDirData != null) {
for (FileStatus status : systemDirData) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.warn("Failed to add the job " + status.getPath().getName(),
// Check if there are jobs to be recovered
hasRestarted = recoveryManager.shouldRecover();
if (hasRestarted) {
break; // if there is something to recover else clean the sys dir
LOG.info("Cleaning up the system directory");
fs.delete(systemDir, true);
if (FileSystem.mkdirs(fs, systemDir,
new FsPermission(SYSTEM_DIR_PERMISSION))) {
LOG.error("Mkdirs failed to create " + systemDir);
} catch (AccessControlException ace) {
LOG.warn("Failed to operate on mapred.system.dir (" + systemDir