int partition = conf.getInt("mapred.task.partition", 0);
// setup the local and user working directories
FileSystem local = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
LocalDirAllocator lDirAlloc = new LocalDirAllocator("mapred.local.dir");
File workDirName = TaskRunner.formWorkDir(lDirAlloc, taskId, false, conf);
local.setWorkingDirectory(new Path(workDirName.toString()));
// set up a classloader with the right classpath
ClassLoader classLoader =
makeClassLoader(conf, new File(workDirName.toString()));
// split.dta file is used only by IsolationRunner. The file can now be in
// any of the configured local disks, so use LocalDirAllocator to find out
// where it is.
Path localMetaSplit =
new LocalDirAllocator("mapred.local.dir").getLocalPathToRead(
TaskTracker.getLocalSplitFile(conf.getUser(), taskId.getJobID()
.toString(), taskId.toString()), conf);
DataInputStream splitFile = FileSystem.getLocal(conf).open(localMetaSplit);
TaskSplitIndex splitIndex = new TaskSplitIndex();