* be fixed before a cluster can start properly.
private void offlineReferenceFileRepair() throws IOException {
Configuration conf = getConf();
Path hbaseRoot = FSUtils.getRootDir(conf);
FileSystem fs = hbaseRoot.getFileSystem(conf);
Map<String, Path> allFiles = FSUtils.getTableStoreFilePathMap(fs, hbaseRoot);
for (Path path: allFiles.values()) {
boolean isReference = false;
try {
isReference = StoreFile.isReference(path);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Ignore. Some files may not be store files at all.
// For example, files under .oldlogs folder in .META.
// Warning message is already logged by
// StoreFile#isReference.
if (!isReference) continue;
Path referredToFile = StoreFile.getReferredToFile(path);
if (fs.exists(referredToFile)) continue; // good, expected
// Found a lingering reference file
"Found lingering reference file " + path);
if (!shouldFixReferenceFiles()) continue;
// Now, trying to fix it since requested
boolean success = false;
String pathStr = path.toString();
// A reference file path should be like
// ${hbase.rootdir}/table_name/region_id/family_name/referred_file.region_name
// Up 3 directories to get the table folder.
// So the file will be sidelined to a similar folder structure.
int index = pathStr.lastIndexOf(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR);
for (int i = 0; index > 0 && i < 3; i++) {
index = pathStr.lastIndexOf(Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR, index);
if (index > 0) {
Path rootDir = getSidelineDir();
Path dst = new Path(rootDir, pathStr.substring(index));
LOG.info("Trying to sildeline reference file"
+ path + " to " + dst);
success = fs.rename(path, dst);
if (!success) {
LOG.error("Failed to sideline reference file " + path);