// we do a recursive ls on these paths
// and then write them to the input file
// one at a time
for (Path src: srcPaths) {
ArrayList<FileStatusDir> allFiles = new ArrayList<FileStatusDir>();
FileStatus fstatus = fs.getFileStatus(src);
FileStatusDir fdir = new FileStatusDir(fstatus, null);
recursivels(fs, fdir, allFiles);
for (FileStatusDir statDir: allFiles) {
FileStatus stat = statDir.getFileStatus();
String toWrite = "";
long len = stat.isDir()? 0:stat.getLen();
if (stat.isDir()) {
toWrite = "" + relPathToRoot(stat.getPath(), parentPath) + " dir ";
//get the children
FileStatus[] list = statDir.getChildren();
StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer();
for (FileStatus stats: list) {
sbuff.append(stats.getPath().getName() + " ");
toWrite = sbuff.toString();
else {
toWrite += relPathToRoot(stat.getPath(), parentPath) + " file ";
srcWriter.append(new LongWritable(len), new