// Verify that the destination does not exist as a directory already.
boolean pathExists = dir.exists(src);
if (pathExists && dir.isDir(src)) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Cannot create file " + src
+ "; already exists as a directory.");
boolean overwrite = flag.contains(CreateFlag.OVERWRITE);
boolean append = flag.contains(CreateFlag.APPEND);
if (isPermissionEnabled) {
if (append || (overwrite && pathExists)) {
checkPathAccess(pc, src, FsAction.WRITE);
} else {
checkAncestorAccess(pc, src, FsAction.WRITE);
if (!createParent) {
try {
INodeFile myFile = dir.getFileINode(src);
recoverLeaseInternal(myFile, src, holder, clientMachine, false);
try {
blockManager.verifyReplication(src, replication, clientMachine);
} catch(IOException e) {
throw new IOException("failed to create "+e.getMessage());
boolean create = flag.contains(CreateFlag.CREATE);
if (myFile == null) {
if (!create) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("failed to overwrite or append to non-existent file "
+ src + " on client " + clientMachine);
} else {
// File exists - must be one of append or overwrite
if (overwrite) {
delete(src, true);
} else if (!append) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("failed to create file " + src
+ " on client " + clientMachine
+ " because the file exists");