public boolean performFinish() {
* Create a new location or get an existing one
HadoopServer location = null;
if (mainPage.createNew.getSelection()) {
location = createNewPage.performFinish();
} else if (mainPage.table.getSelection().length == 1) {
location = (HadoopServer) mainPage.table.getSelection()[0].getData();
if (location == null)
return false;
* Get the base directory of the plug-in for storing configurations and
* JARs
File baseDir = Activator.getDefault().getStateLocation().toFile();
// Package the Job into a JAR
File jarFile = JarModule.createJarPackage(resource);
if (jarFile == null) {
ErrorMessageDialog.display("Run on Hadoop",
"Unable to create or locate the JAR file for the Job");
return false;
* Generate a temporary Hadoop configuration directory and add it to the
* classpath of the launch configuration
File confDir;
try {
confDir = File.createTempFile("hadoop-conf-", "", baseDir);
if (!confDir.isDirectory()) {
ErrorMessageDialog.display("Run on Hadoop",
"Cannot create temporary directory: " + confDir);
return false;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return false;
// Prepare the Hadoop configuration
JobConf conf = new JobConf(location.getConfiguration());
// Write it to the disk file
try {
// File confFile = File.createTempFile("hadoop-site-", ".xml",