* @param args
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
ChukwaConfiguration conf = new ChukwaConfiguration();
String fsName = conf.get("writer.hdfs.filesystem");
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new URI(fsName), conf);
Path srcDir = new Path(args[0]);
String destDir = args[1];
FileStatus fstat = fs.getFileStatus(srcDir);
if (!fstat.isDir())
throw new IOException(args[0] + " is not a directory!");
FileStatus[] datasourceDirectories = fs.listStatus(srcDir);
for(FileStatus datasourceDirectory : datasourceDirectories)
System.out.println(datasourceDirectory.getPath() + " isDir?" +datasourceDirectory.isDir());
if (!datasourceDirectory.isDir())
throw new IOException("Top level should just contains directories :" + datasourceDirectory.getPath());
String dirName = datasourceDirectory.getPath().getName();
if (dirName.equals("_logs"))
Path destPath = new Path(destDir + "/" + dirName);
System.out.println("dest directory path: " + destPath);
if (!fs.exists(destPath))
System.out.println("create datasource directory [" + destDir + "/" + dirName + "]");
FileStatus[] evts = fs.listStatus(datasourceDirectory.getPath(),new EventFileFilter());
for(FileStatus eventFile : evts)
Path eventFilePath = eventFile.getPath();
String filename = eventFilePath.getName();
System.out.println("src dir File: ["+ filename+"]");
Path destFilePath = new Path(destDir + "/" + dirName + "/" + filename);
if (!fs.exists(destFilePath))
System.out.println("Moving File: [" + destFilePath +"]");
fs.rename(eventFilePath, destFilePath);
System.out.println("Need to merge! : [" + destFilePath +"]");
String strMrPath = datasourceDirectory.getPath().toString()+ "/" + "MR_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
Path mrPath = new Path(strMrPath);
System.out.println("\t New MR directory : [" + mrPath +"]");
// Create MR input Dir
// Move Input files
fs.rename(eventFilePath, new Path(strMrPath+"/1.done"));
fs.rename(destFilePath, new Path(strMrPath+"/2.done"));
// Merge
String[] mergeArgs = new String[2];
mergeArgs[0] = strMrPath;
mergeArgs[1] = strMrPath + "/mrOutput";
System.out.println("\t Running Merge! : output [" + mergeArgs[1] +"]");
int res = ToolRunner.run(new ChukwaConfiguration(),new MoveOrMergeRecordFile(), mergeArgs);
System.out.println("MR exit status: " + res);
if (res == 0)
System.out.println("\t Moving output file : to [" + destFilePath +"]");
fs.rename(new Path(mergeArgs[1]+"/part-00000"), destFilePath);