Package org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.javaee6

Examples of org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.javaee6.ResourceRefType

            while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                String url = enumeration.nextElement();
                if (!url.endsWith(".jar")) {
                WebFragmentDocument webFragmentDocument = null;
                ZipInputStream in = null;
                try {
                    in = new ZipInputStream(bundle.getEntry(url).openStream());
                    ZipEntry entry;
                    while ((entry = in.getNextEntry()) != null) {
                        if (entry.getName().equals("META-INF/web-fragment.xml")) {
                            webFragmentDocument = (WebFragmentDocument) XmlBeansUtil.parse(in);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    logger.error("Fail to parse web-fragment.xml files in jar " + url, e);
                    throw new DeploymentException("Fail to scan web-fragment.xml files", e);
                } catch (XmlException e) {
                    logger.error("Fail to parse web-fragment.xml files in jar " + url, e);
                    throw new DeploymentException("Fail to scan web-fragment.xml files", e);
                } finally {
                if (webFragmentDocument == null) {
                    webFragmentDocument = WebFragmentDocument.Factory.newInstance();
                jarUrlWebFragmentDocumentMap.put(url, webFragmentDocument);
            webFragmentEntries = sortWebFragments(earContext, module, bundle, webApp, jarUrlWebFragmentDocumentMap);
        } else {
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            webFragmentMergeHandler.preProcessWebXmlElement(webApp, mergeContext);
        //Merge the web fragment and annotations to web.xml
        for (WebFragmentEntry webFragmentEntry : webFragmentEntries) {
            WebFragmentType webFragment = webFragmentEntry.getWebFragment();
            for (WebFragmentMergeHandler<WebFragmentType, WebAppType> webFragmentMergeHandler : WEB_FRAGMENT_MERGE_HANDLERS) {
                webFragmentMergeHandler.merge(webFragment, webApp, mergeContext);
            if (!webFragment.getMetadataComplete()) {
                mergeAnnotations(bundle, webApp, mergeContext, webFragmentEntry.getJarURL());
        for (WebFragmentMergeHandler<WebFragmentType, WebAppType> webFragmentMergeHandler : WEB_FRAGMENT_MERGE_HANDLERS) {
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        Map<String, WebFragmentEntry> webFragmentEntryMap = new HashMap<String, WebFragmentEntry>(jarURLDocumentMap.size());
        boolean absoluteOrderingConfigured = webApp.getAbsoluteOrderingArray().length != 0;
        Set<String> usedWebFragmentNames = new HashSet<String>();
        Map<String, WebFragmentType> unnamedWebFragmentMap = new HashMap<String, WebFragmentType>();
        for (String jarURL : jarURLDocumentMap.keySet()) {
            WebFragmentType webFragment = jarURLDocumentMap.get(jarURL).getWebFragment();
            JavaIdentifierType[] names = webFragment.getNameArray();
            String webFragmentName = names.length == 0 ? null : names[0].getStringValue();
            if (webFragmentName != null) {
                if (webFragmentEntryMap.containsKey(webFragmentName)) {
                    //TODO Please correct my understanding about how to handle the duplicate web-fragment name (spec 8.2.2)
                    //If absolute-ordering is configured, the web-fragments of the same name are allowed, but only the first occurrence is considered
                    //If relative-ordering is configured, Duplicate name exception: if, when traversing the web-fragments, multiple
                    //members with the same <name> element are encountered, the application must
                    //log an informative error message including information to help fix the
                    //problem, and must fail to deploy. For example, one way to fix this problem is
                    //for the user to use absolute ordering, in which case relative ordering is ignored.
                    //TODO If there is no configuration for absolute-ordering in web.xml and relative-ordering in webfragment.xml files, shall we allowed duplicate names ?
                    if (!absoluteOrderingConfigured) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("Mutiple web-fragments with the same name [" + webFragmentName + "] are found in " + jarURL + " and "
                                + webFragmentEntryMap.get(webFragmentName).getJarURL() + ", you might make the name unique or use absolute ordering in web.xml");
                } else {
                    webFragmentEntryMap.put(webFragmentName, new WebFragmentEntry(webFragmentName, webFragmentName, webFragment, jarURL));
            } else {
                unnamedWebFragmentMap.put(jarURL, webFragment);
            //Add names configurations in before/after, so that we would not add an existing name for those unamed web fragment by sudden.
            if (webFragment.getOrderingArray().length > 0) {
                OrderingType order = webFragment.getOrderingArray()[0];
                if (order.getBefore() != null) {
                    for (JavaIdentifierType name : order.getBefore().getNameArray()) {
                if (order.getAfter() != null) {
                    for (JavaIdentifierType name : order.getAfter().getNameArray()) {
        //Generate names for all the web fragments which are not explicitly configured
        String tempNamePrefix = "geronimo-deployment";
        int nameSubfix = 0;
        for (String webFragmentURL : unnamedWebFragmentMap.keySet()) {
            WebFragmentType webFragment = unnamedWebFragmentMap.get(webFragmentURL);
            String tempWebFragmentName = tempNamePrefix + nameSubfix++;
            while (usedWebFragmentNames.contains(tempWebFragmentName)) {
                tempWebFragmentName = tempNamePrefix + nameSubfix++;
            webFragmentEntryMap.put(tempWebFragmentName, new WebFragmentEntry(tempNamePrefix, null, webFragment, webFragmentURL));
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        public WebFragmentEntry webFragmentEntry;

        public static WebFragmentOrderEntry create(WebFragmentEntry webFragmentEntry) throws DeploymentException {
            WebFragmentOrderEntry webFragmentOrderEntry = new WebFragmentOrderEntry();
            WebFragmentType webFragment = webFragmentEntry.getWebFragment();
            if (webFragment.getOrderingArray().length > 0) {
                OrderingType ordering = webFragment.getOrderingArray()[0];
                OrderingOrderingType after = ordering.getAfter();
                if (after == null) {
                    webFragmentOrderEntry.afterDefined = false;
                } else {
                    webFragmentOrderEntry.afterDefined = true;
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                        resScope.setStringValue(annotation.shareable() ? "Shareable" : "Unshareable");

                        // mappedName
                        String mappdedNameAnnotation = annotation.mappedName();
                        if (!mappdedNameAnnotation.equals("")) {
                            XsdStringType mappedName = resourceRef.addNewMappedName();

                        // lookup
                        String lookup = annotation.lookup();
                        if (!lookup.equals("")) {
                            XsdStringType lookupName = resourceRef.addNewLookupName();
                    catch (Exception anyException) {
                        log.debug("ResourceRefBuilder: Exception caught while processing <resource-ref>");
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            // mappedName
            String mappdedNameAnnotation = annotation.mappedName();
            if (!mappdedNameAnnotation.equals("")) {
                XsdStringType mappedName = resourceEnvRef.addNewMappedName();
            // lookup
            String lookup = annotation.lookup();
            if (!lookup.equals("")) {
                XsdStringType lookupName = resourceEnvRef.addNewLookupName();
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            // mappedName
            String mappdedNameAnnotation = annotation.mappedName();
            if (!mappdedNameAnnotation.equals("")) {
                XsdStringType mappedName = messageDestinationRef.addNewMappedName();
            // lookup
            String lookup = annotation.lookup();
            if (!lookup.equals("")) {
                XsdStringType lookupName = messageDestinationRef.addNewLookupName();
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        // persistence-context-properties
        PersistenceProperty[] properties =;
        for (PersistenceProperty property : properties) {
            PropertyType propertyType = persistenceContextRef.addNewPersistenceProperty();
            XsdStringType propertyName = propertyType.addNewName();
            XsdStringType propertyValue = propertyType.addNewValue();

        // injection targets
        if (method != null || field != null) {
            configureInjectionTarget(persistenceContextRef.addNewInjectionTarget(), method, field);
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                        // mappedName
                        String mappdedNameAnnotation = annotation.mappedName();
                        if (!mappdedNameAnnotation.equals("")) {
                            XsdStringType mappedName = envEntry.addNewMappedName();

                        // description
                        String descriptionAnnotation = annotation.description();
                        if (!descriptionAnnotation.equals("")) {
                            DescriptionType description = envEntry.addNewDescription();

                        // lookup
                        String lookup = annotation.lookup();
                        if (!lookup.equals("")) {
                            XsdStringType lookupName = envEntry.addNewLookupName();
                    catch (Exception anyException) {
                        log.debug("ResourceAnnotationHelper: Exception caught while processing <env-entry>");
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    public ITableLabelProvider getLabelProvider() {
        return new LabelProvider() {
            public String getColumnText(Object element, int columnIndex) {
                if (ResourceRefType.class.isInstance(element)) {
                  ResourceRefType resourceRef = (ResourceRefType) element;
                    switch (columnIndex) {
                    case 0:
                        return resourceRef.getRefName();
                    case 1:
                        return resourceRef.getResourceLink();
                return null;
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Related Classes of org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.javaee6.ResourceRefType

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