
Examples of

    private RangeStatisticImpl activeRequestCount;
    private TimeStatisticImpl requestDuration;
    private boolean statsOn=false;

    public JettyWebContainerStatsImpl() {
        totalConnectionCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Total Connections", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The total number of connections since last reset");
        openConnectionCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("Open Connections", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of connections open at present");
        connectionRequestCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("Connection Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of requests handled by a particular connection");
        connectionDuration = new TimeStatisticImpl("Connection Duration", StatisticImpl.UNIT_TIME_MILLISECOND,
                "The legnth of time that individual connections have been open");
        totalErrorCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Error Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of reponses that were errors since statistics gathering started");
        totalRequestCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of requests that were handled since statistics gathering started");
        activeRequestCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("Active Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of requests being processed concurrently");
        requestDuration = new TimeStatisticImpl("Request Duration", StatisticImpl.UNIT_TIME_MILLISECOND,
                "The length of time that it's taken to handle individual requests");
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        public void prepareConsumers(Map clients) {
            Map result = new HashMap();
            for (Iterator it = clients.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
                Integer count = (Integer) clients.get(client);
                CountStatisticImpl stat = (CountStatisticImpl) consumers.get(client);
                if (stat == null) {
                    stat = new CountStatisticImpl("Threads for " + client, "", "The number of threads used by the client known as '" + client + "'", count.intValue());
                    addStat(stat.getName(), stat);
                } else {
                result.put(client, stat);
            for (Iterator it = consumers.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
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        public void prepareConsumers(Map clients) {
            Map result = new HashMap();
            for (Iterator it = clients.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
                Integer count = (Integer) clients.get(client);
                CountStatisticImpl stat = (CountStatisticImpl) consumers.get(client);
                if (stat == null) {
                    stat = new CountStatisticImpl("Threads for " + client, "", "The number of threads used by the client known as '" + client + "'", count.intValue());
                    addStat(stat.getName(), stat);
                } else {
                result.put(client, stat);
            for (Iterator it = consumers.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
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        public void prepareConsumers(Map clients) {
            Map result = new HashMap();
            for (Iterator it = clients.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
                Integer count = (Integer) clients.get(client);
                CountStatisticImpl stat = (CountStatisticImpl) consumers.get(client);
                if (stat == null) {
                    stat = new CountStatisticImpl("Threads for " + client, "", "The number of threads used by the client known as '" + client + "'", count.intValue());
                    addStat(stat.getName(), stat);
                } else {
                result.put(client, stat);
            for (Iterator it = consumers.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
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    private RangeStatisticImpl activeRequestCount;
    private TimeStatisticImpl requestDuration;
    private boolean statsOn=false;

    public JettyWebContainerStatsImpl() {
        totalConnectionCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Total Connections", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The total number of connections since last reset");
        openConnectionCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("Open Connections", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of connections open at present");
        connectionRequestCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("Connection Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of requests handled by a particular connection");
        connectionDuration = new TimeStatisticImpl("Connection Duration", StatisticImpl.UNIT_TIME_MILLISECOND,
                "The legnth of time that individual connections have been open");
        totalErrorCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Error Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of reponses that were errors since statistics gathering started");
        totalRequestCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of requests that were handled since statistics gathering started");
        activeRequestCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("Active Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of requests being processed concurrently");
        requestDuration = new TimeStatisticImpl("Request Duration", StatisticImpl.UNIT_TIME_MILLISECOND,
                "The length of time that it's taken to handle individual requests");
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    public Stats getStats() {
        RuntimeMXBean runmxbean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean();
        MemoryMXBean memmxbean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean();
        MemoryUsage memUsage = memmxbean.getHeapMemoryUsage();
        CountStatisticImpl upTime;
        BoundedRangeStatisticImpl heapSize;

        if (stats == null) {
            stats = new JVMStatsImpl();
            // setup UpTime CountStatistic
            upTime = stats.getUpTimeImpl();
            // setup Heap BoundedRangeStatistic
            heapSize = stats.getHeapSizeImpl();
            heapSize.setBounds(0, memUsage.getMax());
        } else {
            // update UpTime CountStatistic
            upTime = stats.getUpTimeImpl();
            // update Heap BoundedRangeStatistic
            heapSize = stats.getHeapSizeImpl();
            heapSize.setBounds(0, memUsage.getMax());
        long now = upTime.getStartTime() + upTime.getCount();

        return stats;
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    // TODO - spareThreads metrics = current - busy, maxSpareThreads, minSpareThreads

    public TomcatWebConnectorStatsImpl() {
        requestTime = new TimeStatisticImpl("Request Time", StatisticImpl.UNIT_TIME_MILLISECOND,
                "The time to process all requests");
        activeRequestCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Active Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "currently active requests ", 0);
        errorCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Error Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The numbet of Errors during the observed period", 0);
        bytesSentCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Bytes Sent", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of bytes sent during the observerd period", 0);
        bytesReceivedCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Bytes Received", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of bytes received during the observerd period", 0);
        openConnectionCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("" + "Open Connections", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "Range for connections opened during the observed period", 0); // all 0's
        busyThreads = new BoundedRangeStatisticImpl("Busy Threads", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "BoundedRange for Threads currently busy serving requests", 0, 0, 0);
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        public void prepareConsumers(Map clients) {
            Map result = new HashMap();
            for (Iterator it = clients.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
                Integer count = (Integer) clients.get(client);
                CountStatisticImpl stat = (CountStatisticImpl) consumers.get(client);
                if (stat == null) {
                    stat = new CountStatisticImpl("Threads for " + client, "", "The number of threads used by the client known as '" + client + "'", count.intValue());
                    addStat(stat.getName(), stat);
                } else {
                result.put(client, stat);
            for (Iterator it = consumers.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
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    private RangeStatisticImpl activeRequestCount;
    private TimeStatisticImpl requestDuration;
    private boolean statsOn=false;

    public JettyWebContainerStatsImpl() {
        totalConnectionCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Total Connections", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The total number of connections since last reset");
        openConnectionCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("Open Connections", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of connections open at present");
        connectionRequestCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("Connection Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of requests handled by a particular connection");
        connectionDuration = new TimeStatisticImpl("Connection Duration", StatisticImpl.UNIT_TIME_MILLISECOND,
                "The legnth of time that individual connections have been open");
        totalErrorCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Error Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of reponses that were errors since statistics gathering started");
        totalRequestCount = new CountStatisticImpl("Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of requests that were handled since statistics gathering started");
        activeRequestCount = new RangeStatisticImpl("Active Request Count", StatisticImpl.UNIT_COUNT,
                "The number of requests being processed concurrently");
        requestDuration = new TimeStatisticImpl("Request Duration", StatisticImpl.UNIT_TIME_MILLISECOND,
                "The length of time that it's taken to handle individual requests");
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        public void prepareConsumers(Map clients) {
            Map result = new HashMap();
            for (Iterator it = clients.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
                Integer count = (Integer) clients.get(client);
                CountStatisticImpl stat = (CountStatisticImpl) consumers.get(client);
                if (stat == null) {
                    stat = new CountStatisticImpl("Threads for " + client, "", "The number of threads used by the client known as '" + client + "'", count.intValue());
                    addStat(stat.getName(), stat);
                } else {
                result.put(client, stat);
            for (Iterator it = consumers.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                String client = (String);
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