A Configuration represents a collection of runnable services that can be loaded into a Geronimo Kernel and brought online. The primary components in a Configuration are a codebase, represented by a collection of URLs that is used to locate classes, and a collection of GBean instances that define its state.
The persistent attributes of the Configuration are:
- its unique configId used to identify this specific config
- the configId of a parent Configuration on which this one is dependent
- a List of code locations (which may be absolute or relative to a baseURL)
- a byte[] holding the state of the GBeans instances in Serialized form
When a configuration is started, it converts the URIs into a set of absolute URLs by resolving them against the specified baseURL (this would typically be the root of the CAR file which contains the configuration) and then constructs a ClassLoader for that codebase. That ClassLoader is then used to de-serialize the persisted GBeans, ensuring the GBeans can be recycled as necessary. Once the GBeans have been restored, they are brought online by registering them with the MBeanServer.
A dependency on the Configuration is created for every GBean it loads. As a result, a startRecursive() operation on the configuration will result in a startRecursive() for all the GBeans it contains. Similarly, if the Configuration is stopped then all of its GBeans will be stopped as well.
@version $Rev:385718 $ $Date: 2007-12-16 04:41:36 -0500 (Sun, 16 Dec 2007) $