//For we need list all the brokers including running and stop on the page,
//While querying in the kernel, we could not get the full list.
//Currently, all the brokers are in the activemq-broker configuration, we will list all the gbeans in it.
//But we still could not load those GBeans which are marked with load="false"
Artifact activeMQBrokersConfig = PortletManager.getNameFor(renderRequest, manager).getArtifact();
Configuration configuration = PortletManager.getConfigurationManager().getConfiguration(activeMQBrokersConfig);
AbstractNameQuery query = new AbstractNameQuery(ActiveMQBroker.class.getName());
LinkedHashSet<GBeanData> brokerNameSet = configuration.findGBeanDatas(Collections.singleton(query));
Kernel kernel = PortletManager.getKernel();
try {
for (GBeanData gBeanData : brokerNameSet) {
AbstractName abstractName = gBeanData.getAbstractName();
String brokerName = abstractName.getNameProperty("name");