Package org.apache.geronimo.gbean

Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

        this.attributeInfo = attributeInfo; = attributeInfo.getName();
        try {
            this.type = ClassLoading.loadClass(attributeInfo.getType(), gbeanInstance.getClassLoader());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load attribute class: " + attributeInfo.getType(), e);
        this.persistent = attributeInfo.isPersistent();
        this.manageable = attributeInfo.isManageable();
        this.encrypted = attributeInfo.getEncryptedSetting();

        readable = attributeInfo.isReadable();
        writable = attributeInfo.isWritable();

        // If attribute is persistent or not tagged as unreadable, search for a
        // getter method
        if (attributeInfo instanceof DynamicGAttributeInfo) {
            this.dynamic = true;
            if (readable) {
                getInvoker = new DynamicGetterMethodInvoker(name);
            } else {
                getInvoker = null;
            if (writable) {
                setInvoker = new DynamicSetterMethodInvoker(name);
            } else {
                setInvoker = null;
        } else {
            this.dynamic = false;
            if (attributeInfo.getGetterName() != null) {
                try {
                    String getterName = attributeInfo.getGetterName();
                    Method getterMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(getterName, null);

                    if (!getterMethod.getReturnType().equals(type)) {
                        if (getterMethod.getReturnType().getName().equals(type.getName())) {
                            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter return type in wrong classloader: type: " + type + " wanted in classloader: " + type.getClassLoader() + " actual: " + getterMethod.getReturnType().getClassLoader());
                        } else {
                            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter method of wrong type: " + getterMethod.getReturnType() + " expected " + getDescription());
                    if (AbstractGBeanReference.NO_PROXY) {
                        getInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(getterMethod);
                    } else {
                        getInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(getterMethod);
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter method not found " + getDescription(), e);
            } else {
                getInvoker = null;

            // If attribute is persistent or not tagged as unwritable, search for a setter method
            if (attributeInfo.getSetterName() != null) {
                try {
                    String setterName = attributeInfo.getSetterName();
                    Method setterMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(setterName, new Class[]{type});
                    if (AbstractGBeanReference.NO_PROXY) {
                        setInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
                    } else {
                        setInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Setter method not found " + getDescription(), e);
            } else {
                setInvoker = null;
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                    StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
                    message.append("Configuration ").append(configuration.getId()).append(" failed to start due to the following reasons:\n");
                    for (String reason : unstarted) {
                        message.append("  ").append(reason).append("\n");
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException(message.toString());
            } catch (GBeanNotFoundException e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigException(e);
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        // if we have an attribute verify the gbean instance, name and types match
        if (attribute != null) {
            assert (gbeanInstance == attribute.gbeanInstance);
            assert (name.equals(;
            if (type != attribute.type) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Special attribute " + name +
                        " must have the type " + type.getName() + ", but is " +
                        attribute.type.getName() + ": targetClass=" + gbeanInstance.getType().getName());
            if (attribute.isPersistent()) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Special attributes must not be persistent:" +
                        " name=" + name + ", targetClass=" + gbeanInstance.getType().getName());

        this.gbeanInstance = gbeanInstance;
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        this.attributeInfo = attributeInfo; = attributeInfo.getName();
        try {
            this.type = ClassLoading.loadClass(attributeInfo.getType(), gbeanInstance.getBundle());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load attribute class: " + attributeInfo.getType(), e);
        this.persistent = attributeInfo.isPersistent();
        this.manageable = attributeInfo.isManageable();
        this.encrypted = attributeInfo.getEncryptedSetting();

        readable = attributeInfo.isReadable();
        writable = attributeInfo.isWritable();

        // If attribute is persistent or not tagged as unreadable, search for a
        // getter method
        if (attributeInfo instanceof DynamicGAttributeInfo) {
            this.dynamic = true;
            if (readable) {
                getInvoker = new DynamicGetterMethodInvoker(name);
            } else {
                getInvoker = null;
            if (writable) {
                setInvoker = new DynamicSetterMethodInvoker(name);
            } else {
                setInvoker = null;
        } else {
            this.dynamic = false;
            if (attributeInfo.getGetterName() != null) {
                try {
                    String getterName = attributeInfo.getGetterName();
                    Method getterMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(getterName, (Class[])null);

                    if (!getterMethod.getReturnType().equals(type)) {
                        if (getterMethod.getReturnType().getName().equals(type.getName())) {
                            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter return type in wrong classloader: type: " + type + " wanted in classloader: " + type.getClassLoader() + " actual: " + getterMethod.getReturnType().getClassLoader());
                        } else {
                            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter method of wrong type: " + getterMethod.getReturnType() + " expected " + getDescription());
                    if (AbstractGBeanReference.NO_PROXY) {
                        getInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(getterMethod);
                    } else {
                        getInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(getterMethod);
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter method not found " + getDescription(), e);
                } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter method not found " + getDescription(), e);
            } else {
                getInvoker = null;

            // If attribute is persistent or not tagged as unwritable, search for a setter method
            if (attributeInfo.getSetterName() != null) {
                try {
                    String setterName = attributeInfo.getSetterName();
                    Method setterMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(setterName, type);
                    if (AbstractGBeanReference.NO_PROXY) {
                        setInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
                    } else {
                        setInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Setter method not found " + getDescription(), e);
            } else {
                setInvoker = null;
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        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
            String type = (String) parameterTypes.get(i);
            try {
                types[i] = ClassLoading.loadClass((String) parameterTypes.get(i), bundle);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load operation parameter class:" +
                        " name=" + operationInfo.getName() +
                        " class=" + type, e);

        // get a method invoker for the operation
        if (operationInfo instanceof DynamicGOperationInfo) {
            methodInvoker = new MethodInvoker() {
                private String[] types = (String[]) parameterTypes.toArray(new String[parameterTypes.size()]);

                public Object invoke(Object target, Object[] arguments) throws Exception {
                    DynamicGBean dynamicGBean = (DynamicGBean) target;
                    dynamicGBean.invoke(name, arguments, types);
                    return null;
        } else {
            try {
                Method javaMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(operationInfo.getMethodName(), types);
                if (AbstractGBeanReference.NO_PROXY) {
                    methodInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(javaMethod);
                } else {
                    methodInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(javaMethod);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder().append("Target does not have specified method (declared in a GBeanInfo operation): name=")
                        .append(" methodName=").append(operationInfo.getMethodName())
                        .append(" returnType=").append(operationInfo.getReturnType())
                        .append(" targetClass=").append(gbeanInstance.getType().getName());
                for (Class aType: types) {
                    b.append("\n  parameter type=").append(aType.getName()).append(" in classloader: ").append(aType.getClassLoader());

                throw new InvalidConfigurationException(b.toString(), e);
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        GBeanInfo gbeanInfo = gbeanData.getGBeanInfo();
        try {
            type = bundleContext.getBundle().loadClass(gbeanInfo.getClassName());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load GBeanInfo class from classloader: " + bundleContext +
                    " className=" + gbeanInfo.getClassName(), e);

        if (FrameworkUtils.useURLClassLoader() && FrameworkUtils.isEquinox()) {
            this.classLoader = new EquinoxBundleClassLoader(bundleContext.getBundle());
View Full Code Here = referenceInfo.getName();
        try {
            this.referenceType = ClassLoading.loadClass(referenceInfo.getReferenceType(), gbeanInstance.getType().getClassLoader());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load Reference Type: " + getDescription(), e);
        if (Modifier.isFinal(referenceType.getModifiers())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Proxy interface cannot be a final class: " + referenceType.getName());
        try {
            this.proxyType = ClassLoading.loadClass(referenceInfo.getProxyType(), gbeanInstance.getType().getClassLoader());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load Proxy Type:" + getDescription(), e);

        if (referenceInfo.getSetterName() != null) {
            try {
                String setterName = referenceInfo.getSetterName();
                Method setterMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(setterName, new Class[] {proxyType});
                if (NO_PROXY) {
                    setInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
                } else {
                    setInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Setter method not found " + getDescription(), e);
        } else {
            setInvoker = null;
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        Configuration configuration;
        try {
            if (State.RUNNING_INDEX != kernel.getGBeanState(configurationName)) {
                String stateReason = kernel.getStateReason(configurationName);
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Configuration gbean failed to start " + configurationId + "\nreason: " + stateReason);

            // get the configuration
            configuration = (Configuration) kernel.getGBean(configurationName);
View Full Code Here = referenceInfo.getName();
        try {
            this.referenceType = ClassLoading.loadClass(referenceInfo.getReferenceType(), gbeanInstance.getClassLoader());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load Reference Type: " + getDescription());
        if (Modifier.isFinal(referenceType.getModifiers())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Proxy interface cannot be a final class: " + referenceType.getName());
        try {
            this.proxyType = ClassLoading.loadClass(referenceInfo.getProxyType(), gbeanInstance.getClassLoader());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load Proxy Type:" + getDescription());

        if (referenceInfo.getSetterName() != null) {
            try {
                String setterName = referenceInfo.getSetterName();
                Method setterMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(setterName, new Class[] {proxyType});
                setInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Setter method not found " + getDescription());
        } else {
            setInvoker = null;
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        // if we have an attribute verify the gbean instance, name and types match
        if (attribute != null) {
            assert (gbeanInstance == attribute.gbeanInstance);
            assert (name.equals(;
            if (type != attribute.type) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Special attribute " + name +
                        " must have the type " + type.getName() + ", but is " +
                        attribute.type.getName() + ": targetClass=" + gbeanInstance.getType().getName());
            if (attribute.isPersistent()) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Special attributes must not be persistent:" +
                        " name=" + name + ", targetClass=" + gbeanInstance.getType().getName());

        this.gbeanInstance = gbeanInstance;
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Related Classes of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

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