ConfigurationManager configurationManager = ConfigurationUtil.getConfigurationManager(kernel);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
TargetModuleIDImpl module = (TargetModuleIDImpl) modules[i];
URI configID = URI.create(module.getModuleID());
ObjectName configName = Configuration.getConfigurationObjectName(configID);
try {
updateStatus("Stopped "+configID);
} catch (GBeanNotFoundException e) {
if(e.getGBeanName().equals(configName)) {
// The module isn't running -- that's OK
} else throw e;
try {
updateStatus("Unloaded "+configID);
} catch(InternalKernelException e) {
Exception cause = (Exception)e.getCause();
if(cause instanceof NoSuchConfigException) {
// The modules isn't loaded -- that's OK
} else {
throw cause;
} catch (NoSuchConfigException e) {
// The modules isn't loaded -- that's OK
TargetImpl target = (TargetImpl) module.getTarget();
ObjectName storeName = target.getObjectName();
kernel.invoke(storeName, "uninstall", new Object[]{configID}, UNINSTALL_SIG);
updateStatus("Uninstalled "+configID);
doDeploy(module.getTarget(), false);
updateStatus("Deployed "+configID);
List list = configurationManager.loadRecursive(configID);
for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
URI name = (URI) list.get(j);