Package org.apache.fop.traits

Examples of org.apache.fop.traits.MinOptMax

                    while (lastIndex > 0 && textArray[lastIndex - 1] == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN) {
                    int wordLength = lastIndex - iThisStart;
                    boolean kerning = font.hasKerning();
                    MinOptMax wordIPD = new MinOptMax(0);
                    for (int i = iThisStart; i < lastIndex; i++) {
                        char c = textArray[i];

                        //character width
                        int charWidth = font.getCharWidth(c);

                        if (kerning) {
                            int kern = 0;
                            if (i > iThisStart) {
                                char previous = textArray[i - 1];
                                kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                            } else if (prevAi != null && !prevAi.isSpace && prevAi.iBreakIndex > 0) {
                                char previous = textArray[prevAi.iBreakIndex - 1];
                                kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                            if (kern != 0) {
                                //"Kerning between " + previous + " and " + c + ": " + kern);
                                addToLetterAdjust(i, kern);
                    if (kerning && breakOpportunity && !isSpace(ch) && lastIndex > 0 && textArray[lastIndex] == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN) {
                        int kern = font.getKernValue(textArray[lastIndex - 1], ch) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                        if (kern != 0) {
                            addToLetterAdjust(lastIndex, kern);
                    int iLetterSpaces = wordLength - 1;
                    // if there is a break opportunity and the next one
                    // is not a space, it could be used as a line end;
                    // add one more letter space, in case other text follows
                    if (breakOpportunity && !isSpace(ch)) {
                    wordIPD.add(MinOptMax.multiply(letterSpaceIPD, iLetterSpaces));

                    // create the AreaInfo object
                    ai = new AreaInfo(iThisStart, (short)lastIndex, (short) 0,
                            (short) iLetterSpaces,
                            wordIPD, textArray[lastIndex] == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN, false, breakOpportunity);
                    prevAi = ai;
                    iTempStart = iNextStart;

                    // create the elements
                    sequence.addAll(createElementsForAWordFragment(alignment, ai,
                            vecAreaInfo.size() - 1, letterSpaceIPD));
                    ai = null;

                    iThisStart = iNextStart;
            } else if (inWhitespace) {
                if (ch != CharUtilities.SPACE || breakOpportunity) {
                    // End of whitespace
                    // create the AreaInfo object
                    ai = new AreaInfo(iThisStart, (short) (iNextStart),
                            (short) (iNextStart - iThisStart), (short) 0,
                            MinOptMax.multiply(wordSpaceIPD, iNextStart - iThisStart),
                            false, true, breakOpportunity);
                    prevAi = ai;

                    // create the elements
                        (createElementsForASpace(alignment, ai, vecAreaInfo.size() - 1));
                    ai = null;

                    iThisStart = iNextStart;
            } else {
                if (ai != null) {
                    prevAi = ai;
                    ai.breakOppAfter = ch == CharUtilities.SPACE || breakOpportunity;
                        (createElementsForASpace(alignment, ai, vecAreaInfo.size() - 1));
                    ai = null;
                if (breakAction == LineBreakStatus.EXPLICIT_BREAK) {
                    if (lineEndBAP != 0) {
                            (new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                                           new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                    sequence = new InlineKnuthSequence();
            if ((ch == CharUtilities.SPACE
                    && foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() == Constants.EN_PRESERVE)
                    || ch == CharUtilities.NBSPACE) {
                // preserved space or non-breaking space:
                // create the AreaInfo object
                ai = new AreaInfo(iNextStart, (short) (iNextStart + 1),
                        (short) 1, (short) 0,
                        wordSpaceIPD, false, true, breakOpportunity);
                iThisStart = (short) (iNextStart + 1);
            } else if (CharUtilities.isFixedWidthSpace(ch) || CharUtilities.isZeroWidthSpace(ch)) {
                // create the AreaInfo object
                MinOptMax ipd = new MinOptMax(font.getCharWidth(ch));
                ai = new AreaInfo(iNextStart, (short) (iNextStart + 1),
                        (short) 0, (short) 0,
                        ipd, false, true, breakOpportunity);
                iThisStart = (short) (iNextStart + 1);
            } else if (ch == NEWLINE) {
                // linefeed; this can happen when linefeed-treatment="preserve"
                iThisStart = (short) (iNextStart + 1);
            inWord = !isSpace(ch) && ch != NEWLINE;
            inWhitespace = ch == CharUtilities.SPACE && foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() != Constants.EN_PRESERVE;
        } // end of while
        // Process any last elements
        if (inWord) {
            int lastIndex = iNextStart;
            if (textArray[iNextStart - 1] == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN) {
            int wordLength = lastIndex - iThisStart;
            boolean kerning = font.hasKerning();
            MinOptMax wordIPD = new MinOptMax(0);
            for (int i = iThisStart; i < lastIndex; i++) {
                char c = textArray[i];

                //character width
                int charWidth = font.getCharWidth(c);

                if (kerning) {
                    int kern = 0;
                    if (i > iThisStart) {
                        char previous = textArray[i - 1];
                        kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                    } else if (prevAi != null && !prevAi.isSpace) {
                        char previous = textArray[prevAi.iBreakIndex - 1];
                        kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                    if (kern != 0) {
                        //"Kerning between " + previous + " and " + c + ": " + kern);
                        addToLetterAdjust(i, kern);
            int iLetterSpaces = wordLength - 1;
            wordIPD.add(MinOptMax.multiply(letterSpaceIPD, iLetterSpaces));

            // create the AreaInfo object
            ai = new AreaInfo(iThisStart, (short)lastIndex, (short) 0,
                    (short) iLetterSpaces,
                    wordIPD, false, false, false);
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        int iStartIndex = ai.iStartIndex;
        int iStopIndex;
        boolean bNothingChanged = true;

        while (iStartIndex < ai.iBreakIndex) {
            MinOptMax newIPD = new MinOptMax(0);
            boolean bHyphenFollows;

            if (hc.hasMoreHyphPoints()
                && (iStopIndex = iStartIndex + hc.getNextHyphPoint())
                <= ai.iBreakIndex) {
                // iStopIndex is the index of the first character
                // after a hyphenation point
                bHyphenFollows = true;
            } else {
                // there are no more hyphenation points,
                // or the next one is after ai.iBreakIndex
                bHyphenFollows = false;
                iStopIndex = ai.iBreakIndex;

            hc.updateOffset(iStopIndex - iStartIndex);

            //"Word: " + new String(textArray, iStartIndex, iStopIndex - iStartIndex));
            for (int i = iStartIndex; i < iStopIndex; i++) {
                char c = textArray[i];
                newIPD.add(new MinOptMax(font.getCharWidth(c)));
                //if (i > iStartIndex) {
                if (i < iStopIndex) {
                    MinOptMax la = this.letterAdjustArray[i + 1];
                    if ((i == iStopIndex - 1) && bHyphenFollows) {
                        //the letter adjust here needs to be handled further down during
                        //element generation because it depends on hyph/no-hyph condition
                        la = null;
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        // extra-elements if the word fragment is the end of a syllable,
        // or it ends with a character that can be used as a line break
        if (ai.bHyphenated) {
            MinOptMax widthIfNoBreakOccurs = null;
            if (ai.iBreakIndex < textArray.length) {
                //Add in kerning in no-break condition
                widthIfNoBreakOccurs = letterAdjustArray[ai.iBreakIndex];
            //if (ai.iBreakIndex)
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        return text;

    /** @see org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.LayoutManager#getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext, int) */
    public LinkedList getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context, int alignment) {
        MinOptMax ipd;
        curArea = get(context);
        KnuthSequence seq = new InlineKnuthSequence();

        if (curArea == null) {
            return null;

        ipd = new MinOptMax(font.getCharWidth(fobj.getCharacter()));

        curArea.setBPD(font.getAscender() - font.getDescender());

        TraitSetter.addFontTraits(curArea, font);
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     * This method may be overridden to handle percentage values.
     * @param refIPD the ipd of the parent reference area
     * @return the min/opt/max ipd of the inline area
    protected MinOptMax getAllocationIPD(int refIPD) {
        return new MinOptMax(curArea.getIPD());
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            return null;

        alignmentContext = makeAlignmentContext(context);
        MinOptMax ipd = getAllocationIPD(context.getRefIPD());

        // create the AreaInfo object to store the computed values
        areaInfo = new AreaInfo((short) 0, ipd, false, alignmentContext);

        // node is a fo:ExternalGraphic, fo:InstreamForeignObject,
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                footnoteSeparatorLM = (StaticContentLayoutManager)
                    pslm, footnoteSeparator, separatorArea);

                footnoteSeparatorLength = new MinOptMax(separatorArea.getBPD());
        return contentList;
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     * @param flags the initial flags
    public LayoutContext(int flags) {
        this.flags = flags;
        this.refIPD = 0;
        stackLimit = new MinOptMax(0);
        leadingSpace = null;
        trailingSpace = null;
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                    + " bigger than the available space ("
                    + rect.getWidth() + "mpt > " + context.getRefIPD() + "mpt)",
        MinOptMax stackLimit = new MinOptMax(relDims.bpd);

        LinkedList returnedList = null;
        LinkedList contentList = new LinkedList();
        LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
        if (!breakBeforeServed) {
            try {
                if (addKnuthElementsForBreakBefore(returnList, context)) {
                    return returnList;
            } finally {
                breakBeforeServed = true;

        if (!firstVisibleMarkServed) {
            addKnuthElementsForSpaceBefore(returnList, alignment);
        addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingBefore(returnList, !firstVisibleMarkServed);
        firstVisibleMarkServed = true;

        if (autoHeight) {
            //Spaces, border and padding to be repeated at each break

            BlockLevelLayoutManager curLM; // currently active LM
            BlockLevelLayoutManager prevLM = null; // previously active LM
            while ((curLM = (BlockLevelLayoutManager) getChildLM()) != null) {
                LayoutContext childLC = new LayoutContext(0);
                // curLM is a ?
                        .getStackLimit(), stackLimit));

                // get elements from curLM
                returnedList = curLM.getNextKnuthElements(childLC, alignment);
                if (returnedList.size() == 1
                        && ((ListElement)returnedList.getFirst()).isForcedBreak()) {
                    // a descendant of this block has break-before
                    if (returnList.size() == 0) {
                        // the first child (or its first child ...) has
                        // break-before;
                        // all this block, including space before, will be put in
                        // the
                        // following page
                        bSpaceBeforeServed = false;

                    // "wrap" the Position inside each element
                    // moving the elements from contentList to returnList
                    returnedList = new LinkedList();
                    wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);

                    return returnList;
                } else {
                    if (prevLM != null) {
                        // there is a block handled by prevLM
                        // before the one handled by curLM
                        if (mustKeepTogether()
                                || prevLM.mustKeepWithNext()
                                || curLM.mustKeepWithPrevious()) {
                            // add an infinite penalty to forbid a break between
                            // blocks
                            contentList.add(new BreakElement(
                                    new Position(this), KnuthElement.INFINITE, context));
                        } else if (!((ListElement) contentList.getLast()).isGlue()) {
                            // add a null penalty to allow a break between blocks
                            contentList.add(new BreakElement(
                                    new Position(this), 0, context));
                        } else {
                            // the last element in contentList is a glue;
                            // it is a feasible breakpoint, there is no need to add
                            // a penalty
                    if (returnedList.size() == 0) {
                        //Avoid NoSuchElementException below (happens with empty blocks)
                    if (((ListElement)returnedList.getLast()).isForcedBreak()) {
                        // a descendant of this block has break-after
                        if (curLM.isFinished()) {
                            // there is no other content in this block;
                            // it's useless to add space after before a page break

                        returnedList = new LinkedList();
                        wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);

                        return returnList;
                prevLM = curLM;

            returnedList = new LinkedList();
            wrapPositionElements(contentList, returnList);

        } else {
            MinOptMax range = new MinOptMax(relDims.ipd);
            BlockContainerBreaker breaker = new BlockContainerBreaker(this, range);
            breaker.doLayout(relDims.bpd, autoHeight);
            boolean contentOverflows = false;
            if (!breaker.isEmpty()) {
                contentOverflows = (breaker.deferredAlg.getPageBreaks().size() > 1);
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        absoluteCTM = CTM.getCTMandRelDims(
                rect, relDims);

        MinOptMax range = new MinOptMax(relDims.ipd);
        BlockContainerBreaker breaker = new BlockContainerBreaker(this, range);
        breaker.doLayout((autoHeight ? 0 : relDims.bpd), autoHeight);
        boolean contentOverflows = breaker.isOverflow();
        LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
        if (!breaker.isEmpty()) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.fop.traits.MinOptMax

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