Package org.apache.fop.render

Examples of org.apache.fop.render.Graphics2DAdapter

     * @param bpsEnd the border specification on the end side
    protected void drawQualityBorders(Rectangle2D.Float borderRect,
            final BorderProps bpsBefore, final BorderProps bpsAfter,
            final BorderProps bpsStart, final BorderProps bpsEnd) {
        Graphics2DAdapter g2a = getGraphics2DAdapter();
        final Rectangle.Float effBorderRect = new Rectangle2D.Float(
        final Rectangle paintRect = new Rectangle(
                Math.round(borderRect.x * 1000f),
                Math.round(borderRect.y * 1000f),
                (int)Math.floor(borderRect.width * 1000f) + 1,
                (int)Math.floor(borderRect.height * 1000f) + 1);
        //Add one pixel wide safety margin around the paint area
        int pixelWidth = (int)Math.round(UnitConv.in2mpt(1) / userAgent.getTargetResolution());
        final int xoffset = Math.round(-effBorderRect.x * 1000f) + pixelWidth;
        final int yoffset = pixelWidth;
        paintRect.x += xoffset;
        paintRect.y += yoffset;
        paintRect.width += 2 * pixelWidth;
        paintRect.height += 2 * pixelWidth;

        RendererContext rc = createRendererContext(paintRect.x, paintRect.y,
                paintRect.width, paintRect.height, null);
        Map atts = new java.util.HashMap();
        atts.put(ImageHandlerUtil.CONVERSION_MODE, ImageHandlerUtil.CONVERSION_MODE_BITMAP);
        atts.put(SRC_TRANSPARENCY, "true");
        rc.setProperty(RendererContextConstants.FOREIGN_ATTRIBUTES, atts);

        Graphics2DImagePainter painter = new Graphics2DImagePainter() {

            public void paint(Graphics2D g2d, Rectangle2D area) {
                g2d.translate(xoffset, yoffset);
                g2d.scale(1000, 1000);
                float startx = effBorderRect.x;
                float starty = effBorderRect.y;
                float width = effBorderRect.width;
                float height = effBorderRect.height;
                boolean[] b = new boolean[] {
                    (bpsBefore != null), (bpsEnd != null),
                    (bpsAfter != null), (bpsStart != null)};
                if (!b[0] && !b[1] && !b[2] && !b[3]) {
                float[] bw = new float[] {
                    (b[0] ? bpsBefore.width / 1000f : 0.0f),
                    (b[1] ? bpsEnd.width / 1000f : 0.0f),
                    (b[2] ? bpsAfter.width / 1000f : 0.0f),
                    (b[3] ? bpsStart.width / 1000f : 0.0f)};
                float[] clipw = new float[] {
                    BorderProps.getClippedWidth(bpsBefore) / 1000f,
                    BorderProps.getClippedWidth(bpsEnd) / 1000f,
                    BorderProps.getClippedWidth(bpsAfter) / 1000f,
                    BorderProps.getClippedWidth(bpsStart) / 1000f};
                starty += clipw[0];
                height -= clipw[0];
                height -= clipw[2];
                startx += clipw[3];
                width -= clipw[3];
                width -= clipw[1];

                boolean[] slant = new boolean[] {
                    (b[3] && b[0]), (b[0] && b[1]), (b[1] && b[2]), (b[2] && b[3])};
                if (bpsBefore != null) {

                    float sx1 = startx;
                    float sx2 = (slant[0] ? sx1 + bw[3] - clipw[3] : sx1);
                    float ex1 = startx + width;
                    float ex2 = (slant[1] ? ex1 - bw[1] + clipw[1] : ex1);
                    float outery = starty - clipw[0];
                    float clipy = outery + clipw[0];
                    float innery = outery + bw[0];

                    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g2d.create();
                    moveTo(sx1, clipy);
                    float sx1a = sx1;
                    float ex1a = ex1;
                    if (bpsBefore.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                        if (bpsStart != null && bpsStart.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                            sx1a -= clipw[3];
                        if (bpsEnd != null && bpsEnd.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                            ex1a += clipw[1];
                        lineTo(sx1a, outery);
                        lineTo(ex1a, outery);
                    lineTo(ex1, clipy);
                    lineTo(ex2, innery);
                    lineTo(sx2, innery);
                    currentPath = null;
                    Rectangle2D.Float lineRect = new Rectangle2D.Float(
                            sx1a, outery, ex1a - sx1a, innery - outery);
                    Java2DRenderer.drawBorderLine(lineRect, true, true,
                  , bpsBefore.color, g);
                if (bpsEnd != null) {

                    float sy1 = starty;
                    float sy2 = (slant[1] ? sy1 + bw[0] - clipw[0] : sy1);
                    float ey1 = starty + height;
                    float ey2 = (slant[2] ? ey1 - bw[2] + clipw[2] : ey1);
                    float outerx = startx + width + clipw[1];
                    float clipx = outerx - clipw[1];
                    float innerx = outerx - bw[1];

                    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g2d.create();
                    moveTo(clipx, sy1);
                    float sy1a = sy1;
                    float ey1a = ey1;
                    if (bpsEnd.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                        if (bpsBefore != null && bpsBefore.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                            sy1a -= clipw[0];
                        if (bpsAfter != null && bpsAfter.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                            ey1a += clipw[2];
                        lineTo(outerx, sy1a);
                        lineTo(outerx, ey1a);
                    lineTo(clipx, ey1);
                    lineTo(innerx, ey2);
                    lineTo(innerx, sy2);
                    currentPath = null;
                    Rectangle2D.Float lineRect = new Rectangle2D.Float(
                            innerx, sy1a, outerx - innerx, ey1a - sy1a);
                    Java2DRenderer.drawBorderLine(lineRect, false, false,
                  , bpsEnd.color, g);
                if (bpsAfter != null) {

                    float sx1 = startx;
                    float sx2 = (slant[3] ? sx1 + bw[3] - clipw[3] : sx1);
                    float ex1 = startx + width;
                    float ex2 = (slant[2] ? ex1 - bw[1] + clipw[1] : ex1);
                    float outery = starty + height + clipw[2];
                    float clipy = outery - clipw[2];
                    float innery = outery - bw[2];

                    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g2d.create();
                    moveTo(ex1, clipy);
                    float sx1a = sx1;
                    float ex1a = ex1;
                    if (bpsAfter.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                        if (bpsStart != null && bpsStart.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                            sx1a -= clipw[3];
                        if (bpsEnd != null && bpsEnd.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                            ex1a += clipw[1];
                        lineTo(ex1a, outery);
                        lineTo(sx1a, outery);
                    lineTo(sx1, clipy);
                    lineTo(sx2, innery);
                    lineTo(ex2, innery);
                    currentPath = null;
                    Rectangle2D.Float lineRect = new Rectangle2D.Float(
                            sx1a, innery, ex1a - sx1a, outery - innery);
                    Java2DRenderer.drawBorderLine(lineRect, true, false,
                  , bpsAfter.color, g);
                if (bpsStart != null) {

                    float sy1 = starty;
                    float sy2 = (slant[0] ? sy1 + bw[0] - clipw[0] : sy1);
                    float ey1 = sy1 + height;
                    float ey2 = (slant[3] ? ey1 - bw[2] + clipw[2] : ey1);
                    float outerx = startx - clipw[3];
                    float clipx = outerx + clipw[3];
                    float innerx = outerx + bw[3];

                    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g2d.create();
                    moveTo(clipx, ey1);
                    float sy1a = sy1;
                    float ey1a = ey1;
                    if (bpsStart.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                        if (bpsBefore != null && bpsBefore.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                            sy1a -= clipw[0];
                        if (bpsAfter != null && bpsAfter.mode == BorderProps.COLLAPSE_OUTER) {
                            ey1a += clipw[2];
                        lineTo(outerx, ey1a);
                        lineTo(outerx, sy1a);
                    lineTo(clipx, sy1);
                    lineTo(innerx, sy2);
                    lineTo(innerx, ey2);
                    currentPath = null;
                    Rectangle2D.Float lineRect = new Rectangle2D.Float(
                            outerx, sy1a, innerx - outerx, ey1a - sy1a);
                    Java2DRenderer.drawBorderLine(lineRect, false, false,
                  , bpsStart.color, g);

            public Dimension getImageSize() {
                return paintRect.getSize();

        try {
            g2a.paintImage(painter, rc,
                    paintRect.x - xoffset, paintRect.y, paintRect.width, paintRect.height);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.fop.render.Graphics2DAdapter

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