Package org.apache.fop.pdf

Examples of org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFPattern


            PDFColorSpace aColorSpace;
            aColorSpace = new PDFColorSpace(PDFColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB);
            PDFPattern myPat = pdfDoc.getFactory().makeGradient(
                    resourceContext, false, aColorSpace,
                    someColors, theBounds, theCoords, theMatrix);

            return true;
        if (paint instanceof RadialGradientPaint) {
            RadialGradientPaint rgp = (RadialGradientPaint)paint;

            // There is essentially no way to support repeate
            // in PDF for radial gradients (the one option would
            // be to 'grow' the outer circle until it fully covered
            // the bounds and then grow the stops accordingly, the
            // problem is that this may require an extremely large
            // number of stops for cases where the focus is near
            // the edge of the outer circle).  so we rasterize.
            MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethodEnum cycle = rgp.getCycleMethod();
            if (cycle != MultipleGradientPaint.NO_CYCLE) {
                return false;

            AffineTransform transform;
            transform = new AffineTransform(graphicsState.getTransform());

            List theMatrix = new java.util.ArrayList();
            double [] mat = new double[6];
            for (int idx = 0; idx < mat.length; idx++) {
                theMatrix.add(new Double(mat[idx]));

            double ar = rgp.getRadius();
            Point2D ac = rgp.getCenterPoint();
            Point2D af = rgp.getFocusPoint();

            List theCoords = new java.util.ArrayList();
            double dx = af.getX() - ac.getX();
            double dy = af.getY() - ac.getY();
            double d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            if (d > ar) {
                // the center point af must be within the circle with
                // radius ar centered at ac so limit it to that.
                double scale = (ar * .9999) / d;
                dx = dx * scale;
                dy = dy * scale;

            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getX() + dx)); // Fx
            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getY() + dy)); // Fy
            theCoords.add(new Double(0));
            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getX()));
            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getY()));
            theCoords.add(new Double(ar));

            Color[] cols = rgp.getColors();
            List someColors = new java.util.ArrayList();
            for (int count = 0; count < cols.length; count++) {
                Color cc = cols[count];
                if (cc.getAlpha() != 255) {
                    return false// PDF can't do alpha

                someColors.add(new PDFColor(cc.getRed(), cc.getGreen(),

            float[] fractions = rgp.getFractions();
            List theBounds = new java.util.ArrayList();
            for (int count = 1; count < fractions.length - 1; count++) {
                float offset = fractions[count];
                theBounds.add(new Double(offset));
            PDFColorSpace colSpace;
            colSpace = new PDFColorSpace(PDFColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB);

            PDFPattern myPat = pdfDoc.getFactory().makeGradient
                (resourceContext, true, colSpace,
                 someColors, theBounds, theCoords, theMatrix);


            return true;
        if (paint instanceof PatternPaint) {
            PatternPaint pp = (PatternPaint)paint;
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        /** @todo see if pdfDoc and res can be linked here,
        (currently res <> PDFDocument's resources) so addFonts()
        can be moved to PDFDocument class */
        res.addFonts(pdfDoc, fontInfo);

        PDFPattern myPat = pdfDoc.getFactory().makePattern(
                                resourceContext, 1, res, 1, 1, bbox,
                                rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(),
                                theMatrix, null,


        PDFAnnotList annots = context.getAnnotations();
        if (annots != null) {
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            //Gradients are currently restricted to sRGB
            PDFDeviceColorSpace aColorSpace;
            aColorSpace = new PDFDeviceColorSpace(PDFDeviceColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB);
            PDFPattern myPat = pdfDoc.getFactory().makeGradient(
                    resourceContext, false, aColorSpace,
                    someColors, theBounds, theCoords, theMatrix);

            return true;
        if (paint instanceof RadialGradientPaint) {
            RadialGradientPaint rgp = (RadialGradientPaint)paint;

            // There is essentially no way to support repeats
            // in PDF for radial gradients (the one option would
            // be to 'grow' the outer circle until it fully covered
            // the bounds and then grow the stops accordingly, the
            // problem is that this may require an extremely large
            // number of stops for cases where the focus is near
            // the edge of the outer circle).  so we rasterize.
            MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethodEnum cycle = rgp.getCycleMethod();
            if (cycle != MultipleGradientPaint.NO_CYCLE) {
                return false;

            AffineTransform transform;
            transform = new AffineTransform(getBaseTransform());

            List<Double> theMatrix = new java.util.ArrayList<Double>();
            double [] mat = new double[6];
            for (int idx = 0; idx < mat.length; idx++) {
                theMatrix.add(new Double(mat[idx]));

            double ar = rgp.getRadius();
            Point2D ac = rgp.getCenterPoint();
            Point2D af = rgp.getFocusPoint();

            List<Double> theCoords = new java.util.ArrayList<Double>();
            double dx = af.getX() - ac.getX();
            double dy = af.getY() - ac.getY();
            double d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            if (d > ar) {
                // the center point af must be within the circle with
                // radius ar centered at ac so limit it to that.
                double scale = (ar * .9999) / d;
                dx = dx * scale;
                dy = dy * scale;

            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getX() + dx)); // Fx
            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getY() + dy)); // Fy
            theCoords.add(new Double(0));
            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getX()));
            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getY()));
            theCoords.add(new Double(ar));

            Color[] cols = rgp.getColors();
            List<Color> someColors = new java.util.ArrayList<Color>();
            for (int count = 0; count < cols.length; count++) {
                Color cc = cols[count];
                if (cc.getAlpha() != 255) {
                    return false// PDF can't do alpha


            float[] fractions = rgp.getFractions();
            List<Double> theBounds = new java.util.ArrayList<Double>();
            for (int count = 1; count < fractions.length - 1; count++) {
                float offset = fractions[count];
                theBounds.add(new Double(offset));
            PDFDeviceColorSpace colSpace;
            colSpace = new PDFDeviceColorSpace(PDFDeviceColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB);

            PDFPattern myPat = pdfDoc.getFactory().makeGradient
                (resourceContext, true, colSpace,
                 someColors, theBounds, theCoords, theMatrix);


            return true;
        if (paint instanceof PatternPaint) {
            PatternPaint pp = (PatternPaint)paint;
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        /** @todo see if pdfDoc and res can be linked here,
        (currently res <> PDFDocument's resources) so addFonts()
        can be moved to PDFDocument class */
        res.addFonts(pdfDoc, specialFontInfo);

        PDFPattern myPat = pdfDoc.getFactory().makePattern(
                                resourceContext, 1, res, 1, 1, bbox,
                                rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(),
                                theMatrix, null,


        PDFAnnotList annots = context.getAnnotations();
        if (annots != null) {
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            PDFColorSpace aColorSpace;
            aColorSpace = new PDFColorSpace(PDFColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB);
            PDFPattern myPat = pdfDoc.getFactory().makeGradient(
                    resourceContext, false, aColorSpace,
                    someColors, theBounds, theCoords, theMatrix);

            return true;
        if (paint instanceof RadialGradientPaint) {
            RadialGradientPaint rgp = (RadialGradientPaint)paint;

            // There is essentially no way to support repeate
            // in PDF for radial gradients (the one option would
            // be to 'grow' the outer circle until it fully covered
            // the bounds and then grow the stops accordingly, the
            // problem is that this may require an extremely large
            // number of stops for cases where the focus is near
            // the edge of the outer circle).  so we rasterize.
            MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethodEnum cycle = rgp.getCycleMethod();
            if (cycle != MultipleGradientPaint.NO_CYCLE) {
                return false;

            AffineTransform transform;
            transform = new AffineTransform(graphicsState.getTransform());

            List theMatrix = new java.util.ArrayList();
            double [] mat = new double[6];
            for (int idx = 0; idx < mat.length; idx++) {
                theMatrix.add(new Double(mat[idx]));

            double ar = rgp.getRadius();
            Point2D ac = rgp.getCenterPoint();
            Point2D af = rgp.getFocusPoint();

            List theCoords = new java.util.ArrayList();
            double dx = af.getX() - ac.getX();
            double dy = af.getY() - ac.getY();
            double d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            if (d > ar) {
                // the center point af must be within the circle with
                // radius ar centered at ac so limit it to that.
                double scale = (ar * .9999) / d;
                dx = dx * scale;
                dy = dy * scale;

            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getX() + dx)); // Fx
            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getY() + dy)); // Fy
            theCoords.add(new Double(0));
            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getX()));
            theCoords.add(new Double(ac.getY()));
            theCoords.add(new Double(ar));

            Color[] cols = rgp.getColors();
            List someColors = new java.util.ArrayList();
            for (int count = 0; count < cols.length; count++) {
                Color cc = cols[count];
                if (cc.getAlpha() != 255) {
                    return false// PDF can't do alpha

                someColors.add(new PDFColor(cc.getRed(), cc.getGreen(),

            float[] fractions = rgp.getFractions();
            List theBounds = new java.util.ArrayList();
            for (int count = 1; count < fractions.length - 1; count++) {
                float offset = fractions[count];
                theBounds.add(new Double(offset));
            PDFColorSpace colSpace;
            colSpace = new PDFColorSpace(PDFColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB);

            PDFPattern myPat = pdfDoc.getFactory().makeGradient
                (resourceContext, true, colSpace,
                 someColors, theBounds, theCoords, theMatrix);


            return true;
        if (paint instanceof PatternPaint) {
            PatternPaint pp = (PatternPaint)paint;
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        /** @todo see if pdfDoc and res can be linked here,
        (currently res <> PDFDocument's resources) so addFonts()
        can be moved to PDFDocument class */
        res.addFonts(pdfDoc, fontInfo);

        PDFPattern myPat = pdfDoc.getFactory().makePattern(
                                resourceContext, 1, res, 1, 1, bbox,
                                rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(),
                                theMatrix, null,


        PDFAnnotList annots = context.getAnnotations();
        if (annots != null) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFPattern

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