Package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr

Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.LeafPosition

            return false;

        // Find the first and last positions in oldList that point to an AreaInfo
        // (i.e. getLeafPos() != -1)
        LeafPosition startPos = null;
        LeafPosition endPos = null;
        ListIterator oldListIter;
        for (oldListIter = oldList.listIterator(); oldListIter.hasNext();) {
            Position pos = ((KnuthElement);
            startPos = (LeafPosition) pos.getPosition(depth);
            if (startPos != null && startPos.getLeafPos() != -1) {
        for (oldListIter = oldList.listIterator(oldList.size()); oldListIter.hasPrevious();) {
            Position pos = ((KnuthElement) oldListIter.previous()).getPosition();
            endPos = (LeafPosition) pos.getPosition(depth);
            if (endPos != null && endPos.getLeafPos() != -1) {

        // set start/end index, taking into account any offset due to
        // changes applied to previous paragraphs
        returnedIndices[0] = (startPos != null ? startPos.getLeafPos() : -1) + changeOffset;
        returnedIndices[1] = (endPos != null ? endPos.getLeafPos() : -1) + changeOffset;

        int areaInfosAdded = 0;
        int areaInfosRemoved = 0;

        if (!changeList.isEmpty()) {
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    private void addElementsForASpace(List baseList, int alignment, AreaInfo areaInfo,
                                      int leafValue) {
        LeafPosition mainPosition = new LeafPosition(this, leafValue);

        if (!areaInfo.breakOppAfter) {
            // a non-breaking space
            if (alignment == Constants.EN_JUSTIFY) {
                // the space can stretch and shrink, and must be preserved
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        return elements;

    private void addElementsForAWordFragment(List baseList, int alignment, AreaInfo areaInfo,
                                             int leafValue) {
        LeafPosition mainPosition = new LeafPosition(this, leafValue);

        // if the last character of the word fragment is '-' or '/',
        // the fragment could end a line; in this case, it loses one
        // of its letter spaces;
        boolean suppressibleLetterSpace = areaInfo.breakOppAfter && !areaInfo.isHyphenated;
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            } else if (seq.isInlineSequence() && alignment == EN_JUSTIFY) {
                /* justified vertical alignment (not in the XSL FO recommendation):
                   create a multi-layout sequence whose elements will contain
                   a conventional Position */
                Position returnPosition = new LeafPosition(this, p);
                createElements(returnList, llPoss, returnPosition);
            } else {
                /* "normal" vertical alignment: create a sequence whose boxes
                   represent effective lines, and contain LineBreakPositions */
                int startIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0;
                        i < llPoss.getChosenLineCount();
                        i++) {
                    if (returnList.size() > 0
                            && i > 0 //if i==0 break generated above already
                            && i >= fobj.getOrphans()
                            && i <= llPoss.getChosenLineCount() - fobj.getWidows()) {
                        // penalty allowing a page break between lines
                        Keep keep = getKeepTogether();
                        returnList.add(new BreakElement(
                                new LeafPosition(this, p, endIndex),
                    endIndex = ((LineBreakPosition) llPoss.getChosenPosition(i)).getLeafPos();
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        return Keep.KEEP_AUTO;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public int negotiateBPDAdjustment(int adj, KnuthElement lastElement) {
        LeafPosition pos = (LeafPosition)lastElement.getPosition();
        //if (lastElement.isPenalty()) {
        //    totalAdj += lastElement.getWidth();
        //int lineNumberDifference = (int)((double) totalAdj / constantLineHeight);
        int lineNumberDifference = (int) Math.round((double) adj / constantLineHeight
                                                    + (adj > 0 ? -0.4 : 0.4));
        //log.debug("   LLM> variazione calcolata = " + ((double) totalAdj / constantLineHeight)
        //+ " variazione applicata = " + lineNumberDifference);
        LineLayoutPossibilities llPoss;
        llPoss = lineLayoutsList[pos.getLeafPos()];
        lineNumberDifference = llPoss.applyLineCountAdjustment(lineNumberDifference);
        return lineNumberDifference * constantLineHeight;
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        curArea.setAdjustingInfo(ipd.getStretch(), ipd.getShrink(), 0);


        // node is a fo:Leader
        seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, alignmentContext, new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
        seq.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
        if (alignment == EN_JUSTIFY || alignment == 0) {
            seq.add(new KnuthGlue(areaInfo.ipdArea, new LeafPosition(this, 0), false));
        } else {
            seq.add(new KnuthGlue(areaInfo.ipdArea.getOpt(), 0, 0,
                    new LeafPosition(this, 0), false));
        seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, alignmentContext, new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));


        return Collections.singletonList(seq);
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        List returnList = new LinkedList();


        returnList.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, areaInfo.alignmentContext,
                                    new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
        returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
        if (alignment == EN_JUSTIFY || alignment == 0) {
            returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(areaInfo.ipdArea, new LeafPosition(this, 0), false));
        } else {
            returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(areaInfo.ipdArea.getOpt(), 0, 0,
                    new LeafPosition(this, 0), false));
        returnList.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, areaInfo.alignmentContext,
                                    new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));


        return returnList;
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         * SpaceResolver.SpaceHandlingBreakPosition constructors unwraps all
         * NonLeafPositions, which can lead to a NPE when a break in a table occurs at a
         * page with different ipd.
        if (auxiliaryPosition == null) {
            auxiliaryPosition = new LeafPosition(this, 0);
        return auxiliaryPosition;
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        // node is a fo:Character
        if (letterSpaceIPD.min == letterSpaceIPD.max) {
            // constant letter space, only return a box
            seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(areaInfo.ipdArea.opt, areaInfo.alignmentContext,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, 0)), false));
        } else {
            // adjustable letter space, return a sequence of elements;
            // at the moment the character is supposed to have no letter spaces,
            // but returning this sequence allows us to change only one element
            // if addALetterSpaceTo() is called
            seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(areaInfo.ipdArea.opt, areaInfo.alignmentContext,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, 0)), false));
            seq.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
            seq.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 0,
                                         new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
            seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), true));


        LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
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        if (letterSpaceIPD.min == letterSpaceIPD.max
            || areaInfo.iLScount == 0) {
            // constant letter space, or no letter space
            returnList.add(new KnuthInlineBox(areaInfo.ipdArea.opt,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, 0)), false));
            if (areaInfo.bHyphenated) {
                    (new KnuthPenalty(hyphIPD, KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, true,
                                      new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
        } else {
            // adjustable letter space
                (new KnuthInlineBox(areaInfo.ipdArea.opt
                              - areaInfo.iLScount * letterSpaceIPD.opt,
                              notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, 0)), false));
            returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                (new KnuthGlue(areaInfo.iLScount * letterSpaceIPD.opt,
                               areaInfo.iLScount * letterSpaceIPD.max - letterSpaceIPD.opt,
                               areaInfo.iLScount * letterSpaceIPD.opt - letterSpaceIPD.min,
                               new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
            returnList.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), true));
            if (areaInfo.bHyphenated) {
                    (new KnuthPenalty(hyphIPD, KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, true,
                                      new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));


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Related Classes of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.LeafPosition

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