private void finalizeWorksetIteration(IterationDescriptor descr) {
final WorksetIterationPlanNode iterNode = (WorksetIterationPlanNode) descr.getIterationNode();
final AbstractJobVertex headVertex = descr.getHeadTask();
final TaskConfig headConfig = new TaskConfig(headVertex.getConfiguration());
final TaskConfig headFinalOutputConfig = descr.getHeadFinalResultConfig();
// ------------ finalize the head config with the final outputs and the sync gate ------------
final int numStepFunctionOuts = headConfig.getNumOutputs();
final int numFinalOuts = headFinalOutputConfig.getNumOutputs();
if (numStepFunctionOuts == 0) {
throw new CompilerException("The workset iteration has no operation on the workset inside the step function.");
headConfig.setIterationHeadIndexOfSyncOutput(numStepFunctionOuts + numFinalOuts);
final double relativeMemory = iterNode.getRelativeMemoryPerSubTask();
if (relativeMemory <= 0) {
throw new CompilerException("Bug: No memory has been assigned to the workset iteration.");
headConfig.setRelativeBackChannelMemory(relativeMemory / 2);
headConfig.setRelativeSolutionSetMemory(relativeMemory / 2);
// set the solution set serializer and comparator
// --------------------------- create the sync task ---------------------------
final TaskConfig syncConfig;
final AbstractJobVertex sync = new AbstractJobVertex("Sync (" + iterNode.getNodeName() + ")");
syncConfig = new TaskConfig(sync.getConfiguration());
syncConfig.setGateIterativeWithNumberOfEventsUntilInterrupt(0, headVertex.getParallelism());
// set the number of iteration / convergence criterion for the sync
final int maxNumIterations = iterNode.getIterationNode().getIterationContract().getMaximumNumberOfIterations();
if (maxNumIterations < 1) {
throw new CompilerException("Cannot create workset iteration with unspecified maximum number of iterations.");
// connect the sync task
sync.connectNewDataSetAsInput(headVertex, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE);
// ----------------------------- create the iteration tails -----------------------------
// ----------------------- for next workset and solution set delta-----------------------
// we have three possible cases:
// 1) Two tails, one for workset update, one for solution set update
// 2) One tail for workset update, solution set update happens in an intermediate task
// 3) One tail for solution set update, workset update happens in an intermediate task
final PlanNode nextWorksetNode = iterNode.getNextWorkSetPlanNode();
final PlanNode solutionDeltaNode = iterNode.getSolutionSetDeltaPlanNode();
final boolean hasWorksetTail = nextWorksetNode.getOutgoingChannels().isEmpty();
final boolean hasSolutionSetTail = (!iterNode.isImmediateSolutionSetUpdate()) || (!hasWorksetTail);
// get the vertex for the workset update
final TaskConfig worksetTailConfig;
AbstractJobVertex nextWorksetVertex = (AbstractJobVertex) this.vertices.get(nextWorksetNode);
if (nextWorksetVertex == null) {
// nextWorksetVertex is chained
TaskInChain taskInChain = this.chainedTasks.get(nextWorksetNode);
if (taskInChain == null) {
throw new CompilerException("Bug: Next workset node not found as vertex or chained task.");
nextWorksetVertex = (AbstractJobVertex) taskInChain.getContainingVertex();
worksetTailConfig = taskInChain.getTaskConfig();
} else {
worksetTailConfig = new TaskConfig(nextWorksetVertex.getConfiguration());
// mark the node to perform workset updates
if (hasWorksetTail) {
final TaskConfig solutionDeltaConfig;
AbstractJobVertex solutionDeltaVertex = (AbstractJobVertex) this.vertices.get(solutionDeltaNode);
if (solutionDeltaVertex == null) {
// last op is chained
TaskInChain taskInChain = this.chainedTasks.get(solutionDeltaNode);
if (taskInChain == null) {
throw new CompilerException("Bug: Solution Set Delta not found as vertex or chained task.");
solutionDeltaVertex = (AbstractJobVertex) taskInChain.getContainingVertex();
solutionDeltaConfig = taskInChain.getTaskConfig();
} else {
solutionDeltaConfig = new TaskConfig(solutionDeltaVertex.getConfiguration());
if (hasSolutionSetTail) {
// tell the head that it needs to wait for the solution set updates
else {
// no tail, intermediate update. must be immediate update
if (!iterNode.isImmediateSolutionSetUpdate()) {
throw new CompilerException("A solution set update without dedicated tail is not set to perform immediate updates.");
// ------------------- register the aggregators -------------------