if (job.getNumberOfVertices() == 0) {
return new JobSubmissionResult(ReturnCode.ERROR, "Job is empty.");
ExecutionGraph executionGraph = null;
try {
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
LOG.info(String.format("Received job %s (%s)", job.getJobID(), job.getName()));
// Register this job with the library cache manager
libraryCacheManager.registerJob(job.getJobID(), job.getUserJarBlobKeys());
// get the existing execution graph (if we attach), or construct a new empty one to attach
executionGraph = this.currentJobs.get(job.getJobID());
if (executionGraph == null) {
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
LOG.info("Creating new execution graph for job " + job.getJobID() + " (" + job.getName() + ')');
executionGraph = new ExecutionGraph(job.getJobID(), job.getName(),
job.getJobConfiguration(), job.getUserJarBlobKeys(), this.executorService);
executionGraph.setNumberOfRetriesLeft(job.getNumberOfExecutionRetries() >= 0 ?
job.getNumberOfExecutionRetries() : this.defaultExecutionRetries);
ExecutionGraph previous = this.currentJobs.putIfAbsent(job.getJobID(), executionGraph);
if (previous != null) {
throw new JobException("Concurrent submission of a job with the same jobId: " + job.getJobID());
else {