Scriptable thisObj,
Object[] args,
Function funObj) {
int len = args.length;
GlobalWrapper gw = (GlobalWrapper) thisObj;
SVGGlobal global = (SVGGlobal) gw.window;
if (len >= 3) {
EventTarget et = null;
if (args[0] instanceof NativeJavaObject) {
Object o = ((NativeJavaObject) args[0]).unwrap();
if (o instanceof EventTarget) {
et = (EventTarget) o;
if (et == null) {
throw Context.reportRuntimeError("First argument to startMouseCapture must be an EventTarget");
boolean sendAll = Context.toBoolean(args[1]);
boolean autoRelease = Context.toBoolean(args[2]);
global.startMouseCapture(et, sendAll, autoRelease);