public LibraryDependencyGraph createLibraryDependencyGraph(DependencyTypeSet dependencySet)
// Get the compilation units from the swcs.
List<ISWC> swcs = getLibraries();
Workspace w = getWorkspace();
List<IRequest<IOutgoingDependenciesRequestResult, ICompilationUnit>> requests =
new ArrayList<IRequest<IOutgoingDependenciesRequestResult, ICompilationUnit>>();
// For each swc, get the compilation units. Request the semantic problems
// for each compilation unit to cause the dependency graph to be built.
Set<ICompilationUnit> swcUnits = new HashSet<ICompilationUnit>();
for (ISWC swc : swcs)
String path = swc.getSWCFile().getAbsolutePath();
Collection<ICompilationUnit> units = w.getCompilationUnits(path, this);
for (ICompilationUnit unit : units)