case ANY_TYPE:
if( isQualifiedExpr(this) || isMemberRef() )
Name superName = super.getMName(project);
return new Name(superName.getKind(), superName.getQualifiers(), null);
else if (isAttributeIdentifier())
return new Name(ABCConstants.CONSTANT_QnameA,
new Nsset(new Namespace(ABCConstants.CONSTANT_PackageNs)), "*");
else if (isTypeRef())
// null means ANY_TYPE
return null;
// E4X wildcard operator.
return new Name("*");
case REST:
// This is a bit hokey, but this ILanguageIdentifierNode is saying
// that the type of the parameter definition is type "rest" or "...".
// Since those aren't spelled "Array", we translate to "Array" here.
return new Name(IASLanguageConstants.Array);
return super.getMName(project);