// this test is about non-standard behaviour of ComponentFactory services
final String componentname = "factory.component";
final String componentfactory = "factory.component.factory";
final Component component = findComponentByName( componentname );
TestCase.assertNotNull( component );
TestCase.assertFalse( component.isDefaultEnabled() );
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_DISABLED, component.getState() );
TestCase.assertNull( SimpleComponent.INSTANCE );
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_FACTORY, component.getState() );
TestCase.assertNull( SimpleComponent.INSTANCE );
final ServiceReference[] refs = bundleContext.getServiceReferences( ComponentFactory.class.getName(), "("
+ ComponentConstants.COMPONENT_FACTORY + "=" + componentfactory + ")" );
TestCase.assertNotNull( refs );
TestCase.assertEquals( 1, refs.length );
final ComponentFactory factory = ( ComponentFactory ) bundleContext.getService( refs[0] );
TestCase.assertNotNull( factory );
final String factoryConfigPid = createFactoryConfiguration( componentname );
TestCase.assertNotNull( SimpleComponent.INSTANCE );
TestCase.assertEquals( PROP_NAME, SimpleComponent.INSTANCE.getProperty( PROP_NAME ) );
final Map<?, ?> instanceMap = ( Map<?, ?> ) getFieldValue( component, "m_configuredServices" );
TestCase.assertNotNull( instanceMap );
TestCase.assertEquals( 1, instanceMap.size() );
final Object instanceManager = getFieldValue( SimpleComponent.INSTANCE.m_activateContext, "m_componentManager" );
TestCase.assertTrue( instanceMap.containsValue( instanceManager ) );
// check registered components
Component[] allFactoryComponents = findComponentsByName( componentname );
TestCase.assertNotNull( allFactoryComponents );
TestCase.assertEquals( 2, allFactoryComponents.length );
for ( int i = 0; i < allFactoryComponents.length; i++ )
final Component c = allFactoryComponents[i];
if ( c.getId() == component.getId() )
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_FACTORY, c.getState() );
else if ( c.getId() == SimpleComponent.INSTANCE.m_id )
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_ACTIVE, c.getState() );
TestCase.fail( "Unexpected Component " + c );
// modify the configuration
Configuration config = getConfigurationAdmin().getConfiguration( factoryConfigPid );
Dictionary props = config.getProperties();
config.update( props );
// ensure instance with new configuration
TestCase.assertNotNull( SimpleComponent.INSTANCE );
TestCase.assertEquals( PROP_NAME_FACTORY, SimpleComponent.INSTANCE.getProperty( PROP_NAME ) );
// check registered components
allFactoryComponents = findComponentsByName( componentname );
TestCase.assertNotNull( allFactoryComponents );
TestCase.assertEquals( 2, allFactoryComponents.length );
for ( int i = 0; i < allFactoryComponents.length; i++ )
final Component c = allFactoryComponents[i];
if ( c.getId() == component.getId() )
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_FACTORY, c.getState() );
else if ( c.getId() == SimpleComponent.INSTANCE.m_id )
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_ACTIVE, c.getState() );
TestCase.fail( "Unexpected Component " + c );
// disable the factory
// factory is disabled and so is the instance
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_DISABLED, component.getState() );
TestCase.assertNull( SimpleComponent.INSTANCE );
TestCase.assertEquals( 1, instanceMap.size() );
// enabled the factory
// factory is enabled and so is the instance
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_FACTORY, component.getState() );
TestCase.assertNotNull( SimpleComponent.INSTANCE );
TestCase.assertEquals( 1, instanceMap.size() );
// check registered components
allFactoryComponents = findComponentsByName( componentname );
TestCase.assertNotNull( allFactoryComponents );
TestCase.assertEquals( 2, allFactoryComponents.length );
for ( int i = 0; i < allFactoryComponents.length; i++ )
final Component c = allFactoryComponents[i];
if ( c.getId() == component.getId() )
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_FACTORY, c.getState() );
else if ( c.getId() == SimpleComponent.INSTANCE.m_id )
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_ACTIVE, c.getState() );
TestCase.fail( "Unexpected Component " + c );
// delete the configuration
getConfigurationAdmin().getConfiguration( factoryConfigPid ).delete();
// factory is enabled but instance has been removed
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_FACTORY, component.getState() );
TestCase.assertNull( SimpleComponent.INSTANCE );
TestCase.assertEquals( 0, instanceMap.size() );
// check registered components
allFactoryComponents = findComponentsByName( componentname );
TestCase.assertNotNull( allFactoryComponents );
TestCase.assertEquals( 1, allFactoryComponents.length );
for ( int i = 0; i < allFactoryComponents.length; i++ )
final Component c = allFactoryComponents[i];
if ( c.getId() == component.getId() )
TestCase.assertEquals( Component.STATE_FACTORY, c.getState() );
TestCase.fail( "Unexpected Component " + c );