//First get Pojo Metadata metadata :
PojoMetadata pojoMeta = getPojoMetadata();
Enumeration e = m_properties.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String field = (String) e.nextElement();
FieldMetadata fm = pojoMeta.getField(field);
if (fm == null) { // The field does not exist
throw new ConfigurationException("The field " + field + " is declared in the properties file but does not exist in the pojo");
// Then check that the field is a String field
if (!fm.getFieldType().equals(String.class.getName())) {
throw new ConfigurationException("The field " + field + " exists in the pojo, but is not a String");
// All checks are ok, register the interceptor.
getInstanceManager().register(fm, this);