Package org.apache.felix.framework.resolver

Examples of org.apache.felix.framework.resolver.ResolveException

            found = true;
        if (!found) {
          throw new ResolveException("Execution environment not supported: " + bundleExecEnvStr, revision, null);
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    List<R4Library> libs = ((VerifierBundleRevision) revision).getDeclaredNativeLibraries();
    // If we have a zero-length native library array, then
    // this means no native library class could be selected
    // so we should fail to resolve.
    if ((libs != null) && libs.isEmpty()) {
      throw new ResolveException("No matching native libraries found.", revision, null);
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            found = true;
        if (!found) {
          throw new ResolveException("Execution environment not supported: " + bundleExecEnvStr, revision, null);
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    List<R4Library> libs = ((VerifierBundleRevision) revision).getDeclaredNativeLibraries();
    // If we have a zero-length native library array, then
    // this means no native library class could be selected
    // so we should fail to resolve.
    if ((libs != null) && libs.isEmpty()) {
      throw new ResolveException("No matching native libraries found.", revision, null);
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        // Acquire global lock.
        boolean locked = m_felix.acquireGlobalLock();
        if (!locked)
            throw new ResolveException(
                "Unable to acquire global lock for resolve.", null, null);

        // Make sure we are not already resolving, which can be
        // the case if a resolver hook does something bad.
        if (m_isResolving)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Nested resolve operations not allowed.");
        m_isResolving = true;

        Map<BundleRevision, List<ResolverWire>> wireMap = null;
            // Make our own copy of revisions.
            mandatory = (mandatory.isEmpty())
                ? mandatory : new HashSet<BundleRevision>(mandatory);
            optional = (optional.isEmpty())
                ? optional : new HashSet<BundleRevision>(optional);

            // Prepare resolver hooks, if any.
            ResolverHookRecord record = prepareResolverHooks(mandatory, optional);

            // Select any singletons in the resolver state.

            // Extensions are resolved differently.
            for (Iterator<BundleRevision> it = mandatory.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                BundleRevision br =;
                BundleImpl bundle = (BundleImpl) br.getBundle();
                if (bundle.isExtension())
                else if (Util.isSingleton(br) && !isSelectedSingleton(br))
                    throw new ResolveException("Singleton conflict.", br, null);
            for (Iterator<BundleRevision> it = optional.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                BundleRevision br =;
                BundleImpl bundle = (BundleImpl) br.getBundle();
                if (bundle.isExtension())
                else if (Util.isSingleton(br) && !isSelectedSingleton(br))

            // Catch any resolve exception to rethrow later because
            // we may need to call end() on resolver hooks.
            ResolveException rethrow = null;
                // Resolve the revision.
                wireMap = m_resolver.resolve(
                    new ResolveContextImpl(
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            // Acquire global lock.
            boolean locked = m_felix.acquireGlobalLock();
            if (!locked)
                throw new ResolveException(
                    "Unable to acquire global lock for resolve.", revision, null);

            // Make sure we are not already resolving, which can be
            // the case if a resolver hook does something bad.
            if (m_isResolving)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Nested resolve operations not allowed.");
            m_isResolving = true;

            Map<BundleRevision, List<ResolverWire>> wireMap = null;
                // Double check to make sure that someone hasn't beaten us to
                // dynamically importing the package, which can happen if two
                // threads are racing to do so. If we have an existing wire,
                // then just return it instead.
                provider = ((BundleWiringImpl) revision.getWiring())
                if (provider == null)
                    // Prepare resolver hooks, if any.
                    ResolverHookRecord record =
                            Collections.singleton(revision), Collections.EMPTY_SET);

                    // Select any singletons in the resolver state.

                    // Catch any resolve exception to rethrow later because
                    // we may need to call end() on resolver hooks.
                    ResolveException rethrow = null;
                        wireMap = m_resolver.resolve(
                            new ResolveContextImpl(
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                    if (mandatory.isEmpty() && optional.isEmpty())
                        throw new ResolveException(
                            "Resolver hook prevented resolution.", null, null);
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                                rte.getMessage(), ex2);
                            throw rte;

                    ResolveException re = new ResolveException(
                        "Unable to resolve " + revision,
                        revision, null);
                        re.getMessage(), ex);
                    throw re;

            // Third pass: Loop through the wire map to mark revision as resolved
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                        found = true;
                if (!found)
                    throw new ResolveException(
                        "Execution environment not supported: "
                        + bundleExecEnvStr, revision, null);
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                msg = "No matching native libraries found.";
            if (msg != null)
                throw new ResolveException(msg, revision, null);
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Related Classes of org.apache.felix.framework.resolver.ResolveException

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