Package org.apache.excalibur.source.impl

Examples of org.apache.excalibur.source.impl.FileSource$FileSourceOutputStream

    protected void copyDirSource(Publication template,
            String publicationId,
            SourceResolver resolver,
            String publicationsUri,
            String source) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
        FileSource directory = new FileSource(publicationsUri + "/" + template.getId() + "/"
                + source);
        Collection files = directory.getChildren();
        for (Iterator iter = files.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            FileSource filesource = (FileSource);
            if (filesource.isCollection()) {
                copyDirSource(template, publicationId, resolver, publicationsUri, source + "/"
                        + filesource.getName());
            } else {
                copySource(template, publicationId, resolver, publicationsUri, source + "/"
                        + filesource.getName());
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    public void testDirExistence() throws Exception
        long time = m_tempDir.lastModified();
        FileSource src = new FileSource("file", m_tempDir);
        assertTrue("Temp dir doesn't exist", src.exists());
        assertTrue("Temp dir is not traversable", src.isCollection());
        // Check it was created less than 1 secs ago
        assertEquals("Wrong creation date", time, src.getLastModified());

        assertTrue("Temp dir is not empty", src.getChildren().isEmpty());
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    public void testChildCreation() throws Exception
        final String text = "Writing to a source";

        FileSource src = new FileSource("file", m_tempDir);

        FileSource child = (FileSource) src.getChild("child.txt");
        assertTrue("New file already exists", !child.exists());

        // Should not have a validity, since it doesn't exist
        assertNull("New file has a validity", child.getValidity());

        // Test the name
        assertEquals("Wrong name", "child.txt", child.getName());

        // Feed with some content
        fillSource(child, text);

        // And test it
            "Wrong length",
            text.length() + System.getProperty("line.separator").length(),
        assertEquals("Wrong content-type", "text/plain", child.getMimeType());
        assertTrue("New file is traversable", !child.isCollection());

        // Check that parent now has children
        Collection children = src.getChildren();
        assertEquals("Wrong number of children", 1, children.size());

        // And also that crawling up the hierarchy is OK
        Source parent = child.getParent();
        assertEquals("Wrong parent URI", src.getURI(), parent.getURI());

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    public void testMove() throws Exception
        final String text = "Original text";

        FileSource src = new FileSource("file", m_tempDir);

        FileSource child = (FileSource) src.getChild("child.txt");
        assertTrue("New file already exists", !child.exists());

        fillSource(child, text);
        assertTrue("New file doesn't exist", child.exists());
        long length = child.getContentLength();

        FileSource child2 = (FileSource) src.getChild("child2.txt");
        assertTrue("Second file already exist", !child2.exists());

        SourceUtil.move(child, child2);
        assertTrue("First file still exists", !child.exists());
        assertTrue("Second file doesn't exist", child2.exists());
        assertEquals("Wrong length of second file", length, child2.getContentLength());
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    public void testCopy() throws Exception
        final String text = "Original text";

        FileSource src = new FileSource("file", m_tempDir);

        FileSource child = (FileSource) src.getChild("child.txt");
        assertTrue("New file already exists", !child.exists());

        fillSource(child, text);
        assertTrue("New file doesn't exist", child.exists());
        long length = child.getContentLength();

        FileSource child2 = (FileSource) src.getChild("child2.txt");
        assertTrue("Second file already exist", !child2.exists());

        SourceUtil.copy(child, child2);

        assertTrue("First file doesn't exist", child.exists());
        assertTrue("Second file doesn't exist", child2.exists());
        assertEquals("Wrong length of second file", length, child2.getContentLength());

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    public void testDelete() throws Exception
        final String text = "Original text";

        FileSource src = new FileSource("file", m_tempDir);

        FileSource child = (FileSource) src.getChild("child.txt");
        assertTrue("New file already exists", !child.exists());
        fillSource(child, text);
        assertTrue("New file doesn't exist", child.exists());

        assertTrue("File still exists", !child.exists());
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        assertTrue("File still exists", !child.exists());

    public void testConcurrentAccess() throws Exception
        FileSource src = new FileSource("file", m_tempDir);

        FileSource child = (FileSource) src.getChild("child.txt");
        assertTrue("New file already exists", !child.exists());


            // Get it a second time
        catch (ConcurrentModificationException cme)
            return; // This is what is expected
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    public void testAtomicUpdate() throws Exception
        final String text = "Blah, blah";
        FileSource src = new FileSource("file", m_tempDir);

        FileSource child = (FileSource) src.getChild("child.txt");
        assertTrue("New file already exists", !child.exists());
        fillSource(child, text + " and blah!");

        long length = child.getContentLength();

        SourceValidity validity = child.getValidity();
        assertEquals("Validity is not valid", 1, validity.isValid());

        // Wait 2 seconds before updating the file
        Thread.sleep(2 * 1000L);

        // Now change its content
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(child.getOutputStream());

        assertEquals("File length modified", length, child.getContentLength());


        assertTrue("File length not modified", length != child.getContentLength());

        assertEquals("Validity is valid", -1, validity.isValid());
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        // FIXME FIXME FIXME Hack setting system jaas property
        Configuration jaas = config.getChild("jaas", false);
        if (jaas != null) {
            String jaasURI = jaas.getAttribute("src");
            SourceResolver resolver = null;
            FileSource jaasSrc = null;
            try {
                resolver = (SourceResolver) this.manager.lookup(SourceResolver.ROLE);
                jaasSrc = (FileSource) resolver.resolveURI(jaasURI);
                if (System.getProperty("") == null) {
                    System.setProperty("", jaasSrc.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
                } else {
                    // WARNING: has already been set
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot resolve jaas URI: " + jaasURI + " at " + config.getLocation());
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        // FIXME FIXME FIXME Hack setting system jaas property
        Configuration jaas = config.getChild("jaas", false);
        if (jaas != null) {
            String jaasURI = jaas.getAttribute("src");
            SourceResolver resolver = null;
            FileSource jaasSrc = null;
            try {
                resolver = (SourceResolver) this.manager.lookup(SourceResolver.ROLE);
                jaasSrc = (FileSource) resolver.resolveURI(jaasURI);
                if (System.getProperty("") == null) {
                    System.setProperty("", jaasSrc.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
                } else {
                    // WARNING: has already been set
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot resolve jaas URI: " + jaasURI + " at " + config.getLocation());
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Related Classes of org.apache.excalibur.source.impl.FileSource$FileSourceOutputStream

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