Package org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager

Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentDescriptor

        String name = getParameter( parameters, "name" );
        boolean packed = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "packed", false );
        boolean recurse = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "recurse", false );
        InstrumentDescriptor desc;
            desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentDescriptor( name );
        catch ( NoSuchInstrumentException e )
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        tableHeaderCell( out, "Name" );
        endTableHeaderRow( out );
        for ( int i = 0; i < descs.length; i++ )
            InstrumentDescriptor desc = descs[i];
            startTableRow( out, i );
            tableCell( out, "<a href='instrument.html?name=" + urlEncode( desc.getName() ) + "'>"
                + desc.getDescription() + "</a>" );
            endTableRow( out );
        endTable( out );
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                long interval = intervals[i];
                int size = sizes[i];
                long lease = leases[i];
                int type = types[i];
                InstrumentDescriptor desc;
                    desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentDescriptor( name );
                catch ( NoSuchInstrumentException e )
                    // Not found, ignore.
                    desc = null;
                if ( desc != null )
                    // The instrument manager will do its own tests of the lease, but the
                    //  restrictions on this connector may be stronger so they must be tested
                    //  here as well.
                    size = Math.max( 1, Math.min( size, m_connector.getMaxLeasedSampleSize() ) );
                    lease = Math.max( 1, Math.min( lease, m_connector.getMaxLeasedSampleLease() ) );
                    if ( getInstrumentManager().getLeaseSampleCount()
                        >= m_connector.getMaxLeasedSamples() )
                        lease = 1;
                    // Register the new lease
                    InstrumentSampleDescriptor sample;
                        sample =
                            desc.createInstrumentSample( description, interval, size, lease, type );
                    catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
                        // The sample type is not valid.
                        throw new FileNotFoundException( e.getMessage() );
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        int size = getIntegerParameter( parameters, "size" );
        long lease = getLongParameter( parameters, "lease" );
        int type = getIntegerParameter( parameters, "type" );
        boolean packed = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "packed", false );
        InstrumentDescriptor desc;
            desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentDescriptor( name );
        catch ( NoSuchInstrumentException e )
            throw new FileNotFoundException(
                "The specified instrument does not exist: " + name );
        // The instrument manager will do its own tests of the lease, but the
        //  restrictions on this connector may be stronger so they must be tested
        //  here as well.
        size = Math.max( 1, Math.min( size, m_connector.getMaxLeasedSampleSize() ) );
        lease = Math.max( 1, Math.min( lease, m_connector.getMaxLeasedSampleLease() ) );
        if ( getInstrumentManager().getLeaseSampleCount() >= m_connector.getMaxLeasedSamples() )
            lease = 1;
        // Register the new lease
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor sample;
            sample = desc.createInstrumentSample( description, interval, size, lease, type );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
            // The sample type is not valid.
            throw new FileNotFoundException( e.getMessage() );
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    public void doGet( String path, Map parameters, PrintWriter out )
        throws IOException
        String name = getParameter( parameters, "name" );
        InstrumentDescriptor desc;
            desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentDescriptor( name );
        catch ( NoSuchInstrumentException e )
            // Sample no longer exists, go back to the parent instrument.
            int pos = name.lastIndexOf( '.' );
            if ( pos >= 0 )
                throw new HTTPRedirect(
                    "instrumentable.html?name=" + urlEncode( name.substring( 0,  pos ) ) );
                throw new HTTPRedirect( "instrument-manager.html" );
        String type;
        StringBuffer types = new StringBuffer();
        types.append( "<select name='type' onKeyPress=\"javascript:fieldChanged()\">" );
        StringBuffer presets = new StringBuffer();
        presets.append( "<select name='preset' onChange=\"javascript:applyPreset(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\">" );
        presets.append( "<option value='0-0' selected>-- Select a Preset --</option>" );
        switch ( desc.getType() )
        case DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_COUNTER:
            type = "Counter";
            types.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_COUNTER
                + "' selected>Count</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_COUNTER
                + "-0'>Count / Second Over 10 Minutes</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_COUNTER
                + "-1'>Count / Minute Over 1 Day</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_COUNTER
                + "-2'>Count / Hour Over 1 Month</option>" );
        case DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_TYPE_VALUE:
            type = "Value";
            types.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MAXIMUM
                + "' selected>Maximum Value</option>" );
            types.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MINIMUM
                + "'>Minimum Value</option>" );
            types.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MEAN
                + "'>Mean Value</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MAXIMUM
                + "-0'>Max Value / Second Over 10 Minutes</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MAXIMUM
                + "-1'>Max Value / Minute Over 1 Day</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MAXIMUM
                + "-2'>Max Value / Hour Over 1 Month</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MINIMUM
                + "-0'>Min Value / Second Over 10 Minutes</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MINIMUM
                + "-1'>Min Value / Minute Over 1 Day</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MINIMUM
                + "-2'>Min Value / Hour Over 1 Month</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MEAN
                + "-0'>Mean Value / Second Over 10 Minutes</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MEAN
                + "-1'>Mean Value / Minute Over 1 Day</option>" );
            presets.append( "<option value='"
                + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MEAN
                + "-2'>Mean Value / Hour Over 1 Month</option>" );
            type = "Unknown";
        types.append( "</select>" );
        presets.append( "</select>" );
        out.println( "<html>" );
        out.println( "<head><title>" + desc.getDescription() + "</title></head>" );
        out.println( "<body>" );
        breadCrumbs( out, desc, false );
        out.println( "<h2>Instrument</h2>" );
        startTable( out );
        tableRow( out, 0, "Name", desc.getName() );
        tableRow( out, 0, "Description", desc.getDescription() );
        tableRow( out, 0, "Type", type );
        endTable( out );
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor[] samples = desc.getInstrumentSampleDescriptors();
        if ( samples.length > 0 )
            out.println( "<h2>Registered Samples</h2>" );
            outputInstrumentSamples( out, samples, m_connector.isReadOnly() );
        if ( !m_connector.isReadOnly() )
            out.println( "<h2>Register Sample</h2>" );
            out.println( "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">" );
            out.println( "function fieldChanged() {" );
            out.println( "  var form = document.forms[0];" );
            out.println( "  form.preset.value=\"0-0\";" );
            out.println( "}" );
            out.println( "function applyPreset(preset) {" );
            out.println( "  var form = document.forms[0];" );
            out.println( "  var pos = preset.indexOf('-');" );
            out.println( "  var type = preset.substring(0, pos);" );
            out.println( "  var spec = preset.substring(pos + 1);" );
            out.println( "  var prefix;" );
            out.println( "  if (type == 0) {" );
            out.println( "    return;" );
            out.println( "  } else if (type == " + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_COUNTER + ") {" );
            out.println( "    typeLbl = \"Count\"" );
            out.println( "  } else if (type == " + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MAXIMUM + ") {" );
            out.println( "    typeLbl = \"Max Value\"" );
            out.println( "  } else if (type == " + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MINIMUM + ") {" );
            out.println( "    typeLbl = \"Min Value\"" );
            out.println( "  } else if (type == " + DefaultInstrumentManager.INSTRUMENT_SAMPLE_TYPE_MEAN + ") {" );
            out.println( "    typeLbl = \"Mean Value\"" );
            out.println( "  } else {" );
            out.println( "    typeLbl = \"Unknown\"" );
            out.println( "  }" );
            out.println( "  var intervalLbl;" );
            out.println( "  var interval;" );
            out.println( "  var size;" );
            out.println( "  var lease;" );
            out.println( "  if (spec == 1) {" );
            out.println( "    intervalLbl = \"Minute\";" );
            out.println( "    interval = 60000;" );
            out.println( "    size = 1440;" );
            out.println( "    lease = 86400000;" );
            out.println( "  } else if (spec == 2) {" );
            out.println( "    intervalLbl = \"Hour\";" );
            out.println( "    interval = 3600000;" );
            out.println( "    size = 672;" );
            out.println( "    lease = 86400000;" );
            out.println( "  } else {" );
            out.println( "    intervalLbl = \"Second\";" );
            out.println( "    interval = 1000;" );
            out.println( "    size = 600;" );
            out.println( "    lease = 600000;" );
            out.println( "  }" );
            out.println( "  form.description.value = typeLbl + \" / \" + intervalLbl;" );
            out.println( "  form.interval.value = interval;" );
            out.println( "  form.size.value = size;" );
            out.println( " = lease;" );
            out.println( "  form.type.value = type;" );
            out.println( "}" );
            out.println( "</SCRIPT>" );
            out.println( "<form action='create-sample.html' method='GET' accept-charset='UTF-8'>" );
            startTable( out );
            tableRow( out, 0, "Description", "<input name='description' type='text' size='40' value='' onKeyPress=\"javascript:fieldChanged()\">" );
            tableRow( out, 0, "Interval (ms.)", "<input name='interval' type='text' size='10' value='' onKeyPress=\"javascript:fieldChanged()\">" );
            tableRow( out, 0, "Size", "<input name='size' type='text' size='10' value='' onKeyPress=\"javascript:fieldChanged()\">" );
            tableRow( out, 0, "Lease (ms.)", "<input name='lease' type='text' size='10' value='' onKeyPress=\"javascript:fieldChanged()\">" );
            tableRow( out, 0, "Type", types.toString() );
            tableRow( out, 0, "Presets", presets.toString() );
            endTable( out );
            out.println( "<input type='hidden' name='name' value='" + desc.getName() + "'>" );
            out.println( "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>" );
            out.println( "</form>" );
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    private void assertInstrumentExists( String name )
        InstrumentDescriptor descriptor =
            m_instrumentManager.locateInstrumentDescriptor( name );
        assertEquals( "Looked up instrument name incorrect.", descriptor.getName(), name );
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Related Classes of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentDescriptor

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