Package org.apache.excalibur.instrument

Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.ValueInstrument

        m_path = path;
        m_contentType = contentType;
        m_encoding = encoding;
        addInstrument( m_instrumentRequests = new CounterInstrument( "requests" ) );
        addInstrument( m_instrumentRequestTime = new ValueInstrument( "request-time" ) );
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            random = SecureRandom.getInstance("IBMSecureRandom");
        bytes = new byte[CONTINUATION_ID_LENGTH];

        continuationsCount = new ValueInstrument("count");
        continuationsCounter = 0;
        forestSize = new ValueInstrument("forest-size");
        expirationsSize = new ValueInstrument("expirations-size");
        continuationsCreated = new CounterInstrument("creates");
        continuationsInvalidated = new CounterInstrument("invalidates");
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     * Creates a new DefaultInstrumentManagerImpl.
    public DefaultInstrumentManagerImpl()
        // Initialize the Instrumentable elements.
        m_totalMemoryInstrument = new ValueInstrument( "total-memory" );
        m_freeMemoryInstrument = new ValueInstrument( "free-memory" );
        m_memoryInstrument = new ValueInstrument( "memory" );
        m_activeThreadCountInstrument = new ValueInstrument( "active-thread-count" );
        m_registrationsInstrument = new CounterInstrument( "instrumentable-registrations" );
        m_instrumentablesInstrument = new ValueInstrument( "instrumentables" );
        m_instrumentsInstrument = new ValueInstrument( "instruments" );
        m_samplesInstrument = new ValueInstrument( "samples" );
        m_leasedSamplesInstrument = new ValueInstrument( "leased-samples" );
        m_leaseRequestsInstrument = new CounterInstrument( "lease-requests" );
        m_stateSavesInstrument = new CounterInstrument( "state-saves" );
        m_stateSaveTimeInstrument = new ValueInstrument( "state-save-time" );
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    public void testNInstrument() throws Exception
        Instrument[] instruments = new Instrument[]
                new CounterInstrument( "c1" ),
                new ValueInstrument( "v1" ),
                new CounterInstrument( "c2" ),
                new ValueInstrument( "v2" ),
                new CounterInstrument( "c3" ),
                new ValueInstrument( "v3" ),
                new CounterInstrument( "c4" ),
                new ValueInstrument( "v4" )
        Instrumentable[] children = new Instrumentable[] {};
        generalTest( instruments, children );
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    public void testNInstrument() throws Exception
        Instrument[] instruments = new Instrument[]
                new CounterInstrument( "c1" ),
                new ValueInstrument( "v1" ),
                new CounterInstrument( "c2" ),
                new ValueInstrument( "v2" ),
                new CounterInstrument( "c3" ),
                new ValueInstrument( "v3" ),
                new CounterInstrument( "c4" ),
                new ValueInstrument( "v4" )
        Instrumentable[] children = new Instrumentable[] {};
        generalTest( instruments, children );
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     * Test Cases
    public void testSimpleValueDisconnected() throws Exception
        ValueInstrument vi = new ValueInstrument( "testInstrument" );
        assertEquals( "A disconnected instrument should not be active.", vi.isActive(), false );
        vi.setValue( 0 );
        vi.setValue( -1 );
        vi.setValue( 1 );
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        vi.setValue( 1 );
    public void testSimpleValueConnectedInactive() throws Exception
        ValueInstrument vi = new ValueInstrument( "testInstrument" );
        TestInstrumentProxy proxy = new TestInstrumentProxy();
        vi.setInstrumentProxy( proxy );
        assertEquals( "The instrument should not be active.", vi.isActive(), false );
        vi.setValue( 0 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), 0 );
        vi.setValue( -1 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), -1 );
        vi.setValue( 1 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), 1 );
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        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), 1 );
    public void testLargeValueConnectedInactive() throws Exception
        ValueInstrument vi = new ValueInstrument( "testInstrument" );
        TestInstrumentProxy proxy = new TestInstrumentProxy();
        vi.setInstrumentProxy( proxy );
        assertEquals( "The instrument should not be active.", vi.isActive(), false );
        vi.setValue( 1313123123 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), 1313123123 );
        vi.setValue( -325353253 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), -325353253 );
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        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), -325353253 );
    public void testSimpleValueConnectedActive() throws Exception
        ValueInstrument vi = new ValueInstrument( "testInstrument" );
        TestInstrumentProxy proxy = new TestInstrumentProxy();
        vi.setInstrumentProxy( proxy );
        assertEquals( "The instrument should br active.", vi.isActive(), true );
        vi.setValue( 0 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), 0 );
        vi.setValue( -1 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), -1 );
        vi.setValue( 1 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), 1 );
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        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), 1 );
    public void testLargeValueConnectedActive() throws Exception
        ValueInstrument vi = new ValueInstrument( "testInstrument" );
        TestInstrumentProxy proxy = new TestInstrumentProxy();
        vi.setInstrumentProxy( proxy );
        assertEquals( "The instrument should br active.", vi.isActive(), true );
        vi.setValue( 1313123123 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), 1313123123 );
        vi.setValue( -325353253 );
        assertEquals( "The expected value was incorrect.", proxy.getValue(), -325353253 );
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Related Classes of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.ValueInstrument

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