{ // No Errors, nothing to render
// Render error list
HtmlTagDictionary dic = HtmlTagDictionary.getInstance();
HtmlTag list = w.startTag(dic.ErrorListTag());
addStandardAttributes(list, dic.ErrorListClass());
// Are there field errors to render?
if (hasFieldErrors)
{ // Render all field errors
Collection<ErrorInfo> errors = fieldErrors.values();
String fieldErrClass = str(fieldErrorClass, dic.ErrorItemEntryClass());
for (ErrorInfo e : errors)
String msg = provider.getLocalizedErrorMessage(e);
renderError(w, fieldErrClass, msg);
// Render last action error
if (hasActionError)
{ // Render action error
String actionErrClass = str(actionErrorClass, dic.ErrorActionEntryClass());
String msg = provider.getLocalizedErrorMessage(lastActionError);
renderError(w, actionErrClass, msg);
// done