radioGroupWrapper.addAttribute("class", ci.getCssClass());
radioGroupWrapper.addAttribute("style", ci.getCssStyle());
// Get options
Options options = ci.getOptions();
if (options!=null)
{ // Doing a label top, radio bottom table layout
if (hasFormatOption(ci, "labelAbove"))
renderLabelAboveControl(writer, ci, options);
{ // Label next to control (to the left or to the right)
renderLabelNextToControl(writer, ci, options, hasFormatOption(ci, "labelLeft"));
// Add hidden field for NULL_VALUE checking
if (options.contains(ci.getValue())==false && ci.getDisabled()==false)
{ // Additionally add a hidden field
// to detect unchecked state
HtmlTag hidden = writer.startTag("input");
hidden.addAttribute("type", "hidden");
hidden.addAttribute("name", ci.getName() + RBCHECK_POSTFIX);