private ConcreteElement getForm( String provider, RunData rundata ) {
DynamicURI duri = new DynamicURI( rundata );
Form form = new Form().setAction( duri.toString() );
Table table = new Table().setBorder(0);
form.addElement( table );
ParameterParser params = rundata.getParameters();
//get the default values if they were specified as params
String topic = params.getString( "topic", "" );
String title = params.getString( "title", "" );
String link = params.getString( "link", "" );
String description = params.getString( "description", "" );
//build a select box for adding topics to.
Content content = null;
try {
content = this.getContentMarkup( this.getURL( provider ) ).getContent();
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.error("Exception", e);
return new StringElement( "Can't use this provider: " + e.getMessage() );
Select select = new Select();
select.setName( "topic" );
//entry topics
Entry[] topics = content.getChannel().getTopics().getEntry();
//populate the select box
for ( int i = 0; i < topics.length; ++i ) {
String name = topics[i].getName();
select.addElement( new Option( name ).addElement( name ) );
//fix me... this needs to be a SELECT box
table.addElement( getRow( "Topic: ", select ) );
table.addElement( getRow( "Title: ", new Input().setType("text")
.setValue( title ) ) );
table.addElement( getRow( "Link: ", new Input().setType("text")
.setValue( link ) ) );
table.addElement( new TR().addElement( new TD().setColSpan(2)
.addElement( new TextArea().setName("description")
.setCols( 65 )
.setRows( 15 )
.addElement( description ) ) ) );
form.addElement( new Input().setType( "hidden" )
.setValue( provider ) );
form.addElement( new Input().setType( "submit" )
.setName( POST_ARTICLE )
.setValue( POST_ARTICLE ) );
return new Center( form );