Package org.apache.drill.exec.vector

Examples of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.IntVector$TransferImpl

    Drillbit bit = new Drillbit(config, serviceSet);;
    DrillbitContext context = bit.getContext();

    MaterializedField intField = MaterializedField.create(new SchemaPath("int", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), Types.required(TypeProtos.MinorType.INT));
    IntVector intVector = (IntVector)TypeHelper.getNewVector(intField, context.getAllocator());
    MaterializedField binField = MaterializedField.create(new SchemaPath("binary", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), Types.required(TypeProtos.MinorType.VARBINARY));
    VarBinaryVector binVector = (VarBinaryVector)TypeHelper.getNewVector(binField, context.getAllocator());
    AllocationHelper.allocate(intVector, 4, 4);
    AllocationHelper.allocate(binVector, 4, 5);

    intVector.getMutator().setSafe(0, 0); binVector.getMutator().setSafe(0, "ZERO".getBytes());
    intVector.getMutator().setSafe(1, 1); binVector.getMutator().setSafe(1, "ONE".getBytes());
    intVector.getMutator().setSafe(2, 2); binVector.getMutator().setSafe(2, "TWO".getBytes());
    intVector.getMutator().setSafe(3, 3); binVector.getMutator().setSafe(3, "THREE".getBytes());

    VectorContainer container = new VectorContainer();
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    boolean oneIsOne = false;
    int size = 0;
    int[] sizes = {1,2,0,6};

      IntVector c1 = exec.getValueVectorById(new SchemaPath("cnt", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), IntVector.class);
      BitVector c2 = exec.getValueVectorById(new SchemaPath("has_min", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), BitVector.class);

      for(int i =0; i < exec.getRecordCount(); i++){
        int curSize = sizes[size % sizes.length];
        assertEquals(curSize, c1.getAccessor().get(i));
        case 1:
          assertEquals(oneIsOne, 1 == c2.getAccessor().get(i));
          oneIsOne = !oneIsOne;
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        batch.getValueVectorId(new SchemaPath("alpha", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN));
        result = tfid;
        batch.getValueAccessorById(IntVector.class, tfid.getFieldIds());
        result = wrapper;
        result = new IntVector(null, null);

    System.out.println(getExpressionCode("1 + 1", batch));
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public class TestLoad extends ExecTest {

  public void testLoadValueVector() throws Exception {
    BufferAllocator allocator = new TopLevelAllocator();
    ValueVector fixedV = new IntVector(MaterializedField.create(new SchemaPath("ints", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN),
        Types.required(MinorType.INT)), allocator);
    ValueVector varlenV = new VarCharVector(MaterializedField.create(
        new SchemaPath("chars", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), Types.required(MinorType.VARCHAR)), allocator);
    ValueVector nullableVarlenV = new NullableVarCharVector(MaterializedField.create(new SchemaPath("chars",
        ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), Types.optional(MinorType.VARCHAR)), allocator);
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        FunctionImplementationRegistry registry = new FunctionImplementationRegistry(c);
        FragmentContext context = new FragmentContext(bitContext, BitControl.PlanFragment.getDefaultInstance(), connection, registry);
        SimpleRootExec exec = new SimpleRootExec(ImplCreator.getExec(context, (FragmentRoot) plan.getSortedOperators(false).iterator().next()));

        while( {
            IntVector intMulVector = exec.getValueVectorById(new SchemaPath("INTMUL", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), IntVector.class);
            Float8Vector floatMulVector = exec.getValueVectorById(new SchemaPath("FLOATMUL", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), Float8Vector.class);
            IntVector intAddVector = exec.getValueVectorById(new SchemaPath("INTADD", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), IntVector.class);
            Float8Vector floatAddVector = exec.getValueVectorById(new SchemaPath("FLOATADD", ExpressionPosition.UNKNOWN), Float8Vector.class);
            assertEquals(exec.getRecordCount(), 1);
            assertEquals(intMulVector.getAccessor().get(0), 2);
            assertEquals(floatMulVector.getAccessor().get(0), (1.1 * 2.2), 0);
            assertEquals(intAddVector.getAccessor().get(0), 3);
            assertEquals(floatAddVector.getAccessor().get(0), (1.1 + 2.2), 0);

        if(context.getFailureCause() != null){
            throw context.getFailureCause();
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            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case INT: {
          IntVector v = (IntVector) vector;
          int value = (int) val;
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case LONG: {
          BigIntVector v = (BigIntVector) vector;
          long value = (long) val;
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case SHORT: {
          SmallIntVector v = (SmallIntVector) vector;
          short value = (short) val;
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case VARCHAR:
        case STRING: {
          VarCharVector v = (VarCharVector) vector;
          byte[] value = (byte[]) val;
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case TIMESTAMP: {
          TimeStampVector v = (TimeStampVector) vector;
          DateTime ts = new DateTime(((Timestamp) val).getTime()).withZoneRetainFields(DateTimeZone.UTC);
          long value = ts.getMillis();
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case DATE: {
          DateVector v = (DateVector) vector;
          DateTime date = new DateTime(((Date)val).getTime()).withZoneRetainFields(DateTimeZone.UTC);
          long value = date.getMillis();
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case DECIMAL: {
          VarCharVector v = (VarCharVector) vector;
          byte[] value = ((HiveDecimal) val).toString().getBytes();
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
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            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case INT: {
          IntVector v = (IntVector) vector;
          int value = (int) val;
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case LONG: {
          BigIntVector v = (BigIntVector) vector;
          long value = (long) val;
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case SHORT: {
          SmallIntVector v = (SmallIntVector) vector;
          short value = (short) val;
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case VARCHAR:
        case STRING: {
          VarCharVector v = (VarCharVector) vector;
          byte[] value = (byte[]) val;
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case TIMESTAMP: {
          TimeStampVector v = (TimeStampVector) vector;
          DateTime ts = new DateTime(((Timestamp) val).getTime()).withZoneRetainFields(DateTimeZone.UTC);
          long value = ts.getMillis();
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case DATE: {
          DateVector v = (DateVector) vector;
          DateTime date = new DateTime(((Date)val).getTime()).withZoneRetainFields(DateTimeZone.UTC);
          long value = date.getMillis();
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
        case DECIMAL: {
          VarCharVector v = (VarCharVector) vector;
          byte[] value = ((HiveDecimal) val).toString().getBytes();
          for (int j = 0; j < recordCount; j++) {
            v.getMutator().setSafe(j, value);
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      tableSize = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;

    // set the new threshold based on the new table size and load factor
    threshold = (int) Math.ceil(tableSize * htConfig.getLoadFactor());

    IntVector newStartIndices = allocMetadataVector(tableSize, EMPTY_SLOT);

    for (int i = 0; i < batchHolders.size(); i++) {
      BatchHolder bh = batchHolders.get(i) ;
      int batchStartIdx = i * BATCH_SIZE;
      bh.rehash(tableSize, newStartIndices, batchStartIdx);
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    return true;

  private IntVector allocMetadataVector(int size, int initialValue) {
    IntVector vector = (IntVector) TypeHelper.getNewVector(dummyIntField, allocator);
    for (int i=0; i < size; i++) {
      vector.getMutator().setSafe(i, initialValue);
    return vector;
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    private void rehash(int numbuckets, IntVector newStartIndices, int batchStartIdx) {

      logger.debug("Rehashing entries within the batch: {}; batchStartIdx = {}, total numBuckets in hash table = {}.", batchIndex, batchStartIdx, numbuckets);

      int size = links.getAccessor().getValueCount();
      IntVector newLinks = allocMetadataVector(size, EMPTY_SLOT);
      IntVector newHashValues = allocMetadataVector(size, 0);

      for (int i = 0; i <= maxOccupiedIdx; i++) {
        int entryIdxWithinBatch = i;
        int entryIdx = entryIdxWithinBatch + batchStartIdx;
        int hash = hashValues.getAccessor().get(entryIdxWithinBatch); // get the already saved hash value
        int bucketIdx = getBucketIndex(hash, numbuckets);
        int newStartIdx = newStartIndices.getAccessor().get(bucketIdx);

        if (newStartIdx == EMPTY_SLOT) { // new bucket was empty
          newStartIndices.getMutator().setSafe(bucketIdx, entryIdx); // update the start index to point to entry
          newLinks.getMutator().setSafe(entryIdxWithinBatch, EMPTY_SLOT);
          newHashValues.getMutator().setSafe(entryIdxWithinBatch, hash);

          if (EXTRA_DEBUG) logger.debug("New bucket was empty. bucketIdx = {}, newStartIndices[ {} ] = {}, newLinks[ {} ] = {}, hash value = {}.", bucketIdx, bucketIdx, newStartIndices.getAccessor().get(bucketIdx), entryIdxWithinBatch, newLinks.getAccessor().get(entryIdxWithinBatch), newHashValues.getAccessor().get(entryIdxWithinBatch));

        } else {
          // follow the new table's hash chain until we encounter empty slot. Note that the hash chain could
          // traverse multiple batch holders, so make sure we are accessing the right batch holder.
          int idx = newStartIdx;
          int idxWithinBatch = 0;
          BatchHolder bh = this;
          while (true) {
            if (idx != EMPTY_SLOT) {
              idxWithinBatch = idx & BATCH_MASK;
              int batchIdx = ((idx >>> 16) & BATCH_MASK);
              bh = batchHolders.get(batchIdx);

            if (bh == this && newLinks.getAccessor().get(idxWithinBatch) == EMPTY_SLOT) {
              newLinks.getMutator().setSafe(idxWithinBatch, entryIdx);
              newLinks.getMutator().setSafe(entryIdxWithinBatch, EMPTY_SLOT);
              newHashValues.getMutator().setSafe(entryIdxWithinBatch, hash);

              if (EXTRA_DEBUG) logger.debug("Followed hash chain in new bucket. bucketIdx = {}, newLinks[ {} ] = {}, newLinks[ {} ] = {}, hash value = {}.", bucketIdx, idxWithinBatch, newLinks.getAccessor().get(idxWithinBatch), entryIdxWithinBatch, newLinks.getAccessor().get(entryIdxWithinBatch), newHashValues.getAccessor().get(entryIdxWithinBatch));

            } else if (bh != this && bh.links.getAccessor().get(idxWithinBatch) == EMPTY_SLOT) {
              bh.links.getMutator().setSafe(idxWithinBatch, entryIdx); // update the link in the other batch
              newLinks.getMutator().setSafe(entryIdxWithinBatch, EMPTY_SLOT); // update the newLink entry in this batch to mark end of the hash chain
              newHashValues.getMutator().setSafe(entryIdxWithinBatch,  hash);

              if (EXTRA_DEBUG) logger.debug("Followed hash chain in new bucket. bucketIdx = {}, newLinks[ {} ] = {}, newLinks[ {} ] = {}, hash value = {}.", bucketIdx, idxWithinBatch, newLinks.getAccessor().get(idxWithinBatch), entryIdxWithinBatch, newLinks.getAccessor().get(entryIdxWithinBatch), newHashValues.getAccessor().get(entryIdxWithinBatch));

            if (bh == this) {
              idx = newLinks.getAccessor().get(idxWithinBatch);
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Related Classes of org.apache.drill.exec.vector.IntVector$TransferImpl

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