protected Prel convertToPrel(RelNode drel) throws RelConversionException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(drel.getConvention() == DrillRel.DRILL_LOGICAL);
RelTraitSet traits = drel.getTraitSet().plus(Prel.DRILL_PHYSICAL).plus(DrillDistributionTrait.SINGLETON);
Prel phyRelNode = (Prel) planner.transform(DrillSqlWorker.PHYSICAL_MEM_RULES, traits, drel);
OptionManager queryOptions = context.getOptions();
if (context.getPlannerSettings().isMemoryEstimationEnabled()
&& !MemoryEstimationVisitor.enoughMemory(phyRelNode, queryOptions, context.getActiveEndpoints().size())) {
log("Not enough memory for this plan", phyRelNode);
logger.debug("Re-planning without hash operations.");
queryOptions.setOption(OptionValue.createBoolean(OptionValue.OptionType.QUERY, PlannerSettings.HASHJOIN.getOptionName(), false));
queryOptions.setOption(OptionValue.createBoolean(OptionValue.OptionType.QUERY, PlannerSettings.HASHAGG.getOptionName(), false));
phyRelNode = (Prel) planner.transform(DrillSqlWorker.PHYSICAL_MEM_RULES, traits, drel);
/* The order of the following transformation is important */
* 0.) For select * from join query, we need insert project on top of scan and a top project just
* under screen operator. The project on top of scan will rename from * to T1*, while the top project
* will rename T1* to *, before it output the final result. Only the top project will allow
* duplicate columns, since user could "explicitly" ask for duplicate columns ( select *, col, *).
* The rest of projects will remove the duplicate column when we generate POP in json format.
phyRelNode = StarColumnConverter.insertRenameProject(phyRelNode, phyRelNode.getRowType());
* 1.)
* Join might cause naming conflicts from its left and right child.
* In such case, we have to insert Project to rename the conflicting names.