// now we generate all the individual plan fragments and associated assignments. Note, we need all endpoints
// assigned before we can materialize, so we start a new loop here rather than utilizing the previous one.
for (Wrapper wrapper : planningSet) {
Fragment node = wrapper.getNode();
Stats stats = node.getStats();
final PhysicalOperator physicalOperatorRoot = node.getRoot();
boolean isRootNode = rootNode == node;
if (isRootNode && wrapper.getWidth() != 1)
throw new FragmentSetupException(
"Failure while trying to setup fragment. The root fragment must always have parallelization one. In the current case, the width was set to %d.",
// a fragment is self driven if it doesn't rely on any other exchanges.
boolean isLeafFragment = node.getReceivingExchangePairs().size() == 0;
// Create a minorFragment for each major fragment.
for (int minorFragmentId = 0; minorFragmentId < wrapper.getWidth(); minorFragmentId++) {
IndexedFragmentNode iNode = new IndexedFragmentNode(minorFragmentId, wrapper);
PhysicalOperator op = physicalOperatorRoot.accept(materializer, iNode);
Preconditions.checkArgument(op instanceof FragmentRoot);
FragmentRoot root = (FragmentRoot) op;
// get plan as JSON
String plan;