Element contextEntryElement = element.element( ServerXmlIOV153.ELEMENT_CONTEXT_ENTRY );
if ( contextEntryElement == null )
// If the 'contextEntry' element does not exists,
// we throw an exception
throw new ServerXmlIOException( "Unable to find the 'contextEntry' element for a partition." );
// Getting the id of the linked bean
String linkedBeanId = contextEntryElement.getText().trim();
// Removing the '#' character at the beginning of the value
linkedBeanId = linkedBeanId.substring( 1, linkedBeanId.length() );
// Creating a 'foundBean' flag to check if we've found the associated bean
boolean foundBean = false;
// Looping on all 'bean' tags
for ( Iterator<?> i = element.getDocument().getRootElement().elementIterator( ServerXmlIOV153.ELEMENT_BEAN ); i
.hasNext(); )
// Getting the bean element
Element beanElement = ( Element ) i.next();
// Getting the id attribute
org.dom4j.Attribute idAttribute = beanElement.attribute( ServerXmlIOV153.ATTRIBUTE_ID );
if ( idAttribute != null )
// Checking if we've found the correct bean
if ( linkedBeanId.equalsIgnoreCase( idAttribute.getValue() ) )
// Setting the 'foundBean' flag to true
foundBean = true;
// Creating a 'foundProperty' flag to check if we've found the associated bean
boolean foundProperty = false;
// Looping on all 'property' tags
for ( Iterator<?> i2 = beanElement.elementIterator( ServerXmlIOV153.ELEMENT_PROPERTY ); i2
.hasNext(); )
// Getting the property element
Element propertyElement = ( Element ) i2.next();
// Getting the name attribute
org.dom4j.Attribute nameAttribute = propertyElement
.attribute( ServerXmlIOV153.ATTRIBUTE_NAME );
if ( nameAttribute != null )
if ( nameAttribute.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase( ServerXmlIOV153.VALUE_ARGUMENTS ) )
// Setting the 'foundProperty' flag to true
foundProperty = true;
// Getting the list element
Element listElement = propertyElement.element( ServerXmlIOV153.ELEMENT_LIST );
if ( listElement != null )
// Looping on all 'value' tags
for ( Iterator<?> i3 = listElement
.elementIterator( ServerXmlIOV153.ELEMENT_VALUE ); i3.hasNext(); )
// Getting the value element
Element valueElement = ( Element ) i3.next();
// Getting the text value
String value = valueElement.getText().trim();
// We are looking for LDIF, so let's look if the text value
// contains any ':'
if ( value.indexOf( ':' ) != -1 )
// Returning the LDIF converted to JNDI Attributes
return readContextEntry( valueElement.getText().trim() );
// Checking if we have found the associated property
// If not, we throw an error
if ( !foundProperty )
// If the correct property element does not exists,
// we throw an exception
throw new ServerXmlIOException( "Unable to find the property element named 'arguments'." );
// Checking if we have found the associated bean
// If not, we throw an error
if ( !foundBean )
// If the correct bean element does not exists,
// we throw an exception
throw new ServerXmlIOException( "Unable to find the bean element named '" + linkedBeanId + "'." );
return null;